Chapter 3

93 15 14

10 Years Old

We’re all hurting, aren’t we?

Some people are just hurting more than others.



“Daddy’s home sweetheart. Go hide and don’t come out until I come get you, promise?” my mother’s voice said, in a hurried, worried tone.

I nod quickly, as a choking fear festered in my heart. I run up the stairs, as quietly as possible and quickly slip into my bedroom and hide under the bed. I close my eyes and try control my ragged breathing.

“Where’s my beer Anne? Are you that useless, you can’t have a beer waiting for your husband, who’s slaved a whole day at work, to keep your ugly ass happy and under a roof?” my dads voice yells cruelly. He’s in a really bad mood.

“Sorry Dave, I forgot. I’ll get one for you now,” my mum squeaks.

A loud slapping noise follows and it doesn’t take Einstein to figure out what happened.

“Don’t forget next time. Stupid b*tch” he replies.

I wince in pain for my mum. Fear and pain consumes me, and I don’t think I can breathe. It’s suffocating, and tiny sobs leave my body. I try to keep quiet, so he doesn’t hear me. My vision clouds over and all I can feel is sadness. It eats me out from the inside, showing no mercy for my small frame. I can’t seem to concentrate as this powerful feeling takes over my body.

I’m taken out of my state by a loud yell.

“YOU IDIOT! HOW CLUMSY ARE YOU? CAN YOU NOT DO ANYTHING RIGHT?” My dad screams, I’m guessing at my mum.

“I-i-m s-s-or, I, I,” my mum’s so scared she can’t form a sentence.

“Do you know how expensive these trousers are w***e! Now they’re covered with f*****g beer!” My dad yells again.

Then he pounces. I hear it. He slams her into something I think and lays his fist on her. All I hear is smashes, bangs and screams. Screams of pain and tears of sorrow from my dear mother.

I couldn’t help it. My feet started moving and my body followed. I rolled out from under the bed and ran out my room and down the stairs to save my mum. I followed the noise to the kitchen to find my dad beating on my bloody, near unconscious mum.

“STOP!” I scream.

My father’s eyes snap up and his fists stop in mid-air. He pierces me sharply with his gaze.

“YOU MONSTER! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME AND MUMMY ALONE! YOU’RE SO MEAN. ALL YOU DO IS HURT US. I-I-I HATE YOU!” I shout angrily. The second those words leave my lips, I regret it instantly.

“What did you say?” my dads voice is dangerously quiet and I begin to back away slowly.

“You little, ungrateful brat! All I do for you and you have the bloody cheek to ‘hate’ me?” he hisses.

He lunges at me and grabs me. I begin to cry again. He punches me in the face, making me dizzy and my nose bleed. Dragging me to the stove like I’m a rag doll, he turns one of the circles on and I watch the black metal go red in fear. He smirks sadistically at me, enjoying the build up to hurting me.

Once it’s very red, he puts his lips close to my ear and whispers,

“Next time you decide to be an unappreciative brat, don’t”

Then he ruthlessly presses my palm against the heat. It burns, it burns so much. A scream fills the room, and I’m not too shocked to find out it’s mine. He holds it there, for what seems like eternity, before letting go of my hand and letting me pull away. Tears coat my face like a second skin and my hand stings awfully. I don’t think I can move, it hurts that much.

But he’s not done.

He turns the stove off and gets a knife.

“Open your mouth wide!” he snaps. I do so hesitantly.

He get’s the knife and put’s it in my mouth, cutting my tongue deep. Blood fills up in mouth and I spit it out onto the floor.

“Don’t speak either” he whispers too me, before pushing me away and leaving the house with a slam of a door.

I collapse onto the floor, still spitting blood. I look to my left to see my mum crawling over to me. Bruises decorate her body, painting her black and blue. When she finally reaches me, she pulls my head into her chest and cradles me. I don’t know how long we sit there sobbing.

Wow this took a lot in me to write. I wanted to make it really deep and show the connection between her and her mum.

Did you like it? I had to write it a couple times to make it perfect but even now I've published it, I'm still not satisfied.

Oh well, I hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading. Please keep commenting i love to hear what you think and its a real confidence boost.

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