Chapter 6

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“But please! She’s my first friend- my only friend. I’ll get there by myself you don’t even need to take me! Please,” I say, trying to persuade mum to let me go to Nisha’s house.

My mum sighs tiredly.

“Baby, there is nothing more I would want than for you to go, but your father…he would never allow it,” she says shaking her head sadly.

“I’ll persuade him.  I’ll sneak out without him realising, I’ll…give him a favour so he is in a good mood with me so he wouldn’t be mad at me,” I say hurriedly.

“You will do no such thing. Look baby, I’ll see what I can do, ok?” My mum murmurs. I nod my head, half satisfied with her answer.

“Thanks momma,” I say using my nickname for her, when I wanted something.

My mother is a queen. She is simply amazing. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her. After our conversation that night, Steve came into my room. This time I din’t fight him, I let him use me the way he liked.  He was happy with me, but not enough to let me go. For the next couple days, I acted like the perfect daughter in his eyes. I had beer ready for him every night, I didn’t speak at all, I called him sir as he had requested- I did everything. But even then, I knew it was not enough. It was Friday evening, the day before I was meant to go to Nisha’s house, and my mum…my mum did something so brave…for me. She slept with him, so I would be allowed to go. She slept with someone she despised, a monster, so I would be happy. I cried that night. I cried in love for my mum and in pain for the horrors she experiences for me.

This morning he was in a great mood, quite drowsy in a way. My mum usually refuses to do anything with him and he finally got what he wanted without force. He was in such a good mood he said hello to me in the morning!

Shocking, I know.

He didn’t notice when I slipped out. He didn’t notice me checking maps, so I would get to the right house. He didn’t notice me packing my bag, so I could go. I wore my best clothes to please Nisha’s family, and my mum even let me borrow her pretty, pink lip gloss. Mum said I was glowing, she looked happy I was happy, but a permanent haze of sadness still clung to her. I snuck out through the back door and ran the first couple metres before slowing into a jog, then a steady walk. It took quite a while to get to Nisha’s house, but I wasn’t tired in the slightest. My excitement overcame any exhaustion I could have possible felt.

A knock-on Nisha’s door firmly pulls me out of my thoughts.

“What do you want Joel?” Nisha shouts.

A little head peaks around the door as a small boy enters the room. He completely ignores Nisha and comes straight to me.

“I’m Joel,” he says cutely, a bit shy and timid. His big doe eyes look up at me and my heart melts at the total adorableness of this little boy.

I nod, unsure of what to say. I’ve never spoken to a little child before. They all avoid me and fear me because their parents tell them to stay clear away from me- I don’t blame them.

“I’m 4!” he continues, holding 5 fingers up. I giggle a little at his silly antics and put a finger down. He gives me a big smile, as if comfortable with my presence and hugs my legs.

“You’re a vey big boy,” I coo. He nods his head eagerly agreeing with me.

“This is my brother Joel. Joel meet my friend - “Nisha introduces, rolling her eyes, as if I’m not the first one to be taken by her brother’s cuteness.

“Now what do you want Joel?” Nisha questions, not liking her attention on her from me to be taken to her brother.

“Mummy says food will be ready in 10 minutes,” he says cutely, stumbling across his words a couple times.

“Ok now bye,” she says- her tone not harsh or mean but firm and gentle in a way.

He nods his head, giving me a final hug before leaving the room. Ugh I don’t want him to leave.

“I probably seem horrible for the way I acted to him and I swear I’m not like this to him often…it’s just that, when a friend ever comes to my house, they see my brother and just want to stay with him. They literally go to his room and play with him and completely forget me. My brother has that effect on people. I swear half my friends in my old school were only friends with me for my brother. This probably makes me sound really petty and stuff, but I just wanted you to know why I was acting strange,” She rambles so quickly I miss a couple words, but I get the general gist.

“It’s ok, really. I won’t abandon you for your brother,” I reassure. I’d like to say I understand but I don’t.

“GIRLS! DINNERS READY, COME DOWNSTAIRS!” a voice screams for downstairs.

“That’s my mum- let’s go,” Nisha says, somewhat embarrassed.

I nod my head and follow her downstairs to finally meet her mum.

Yayyy! I updated....even though its late. I had a good excuse this time- because of snow in my area I had no WiFi to update but I did do a lot of writing.

Who do you imagine as Joel? Any ideas? Comment.

Next update will be next week Wednesday defo! It wont be late!

Shout-out to kiran134 for being a loyal reader and always commenting lovely things for me to read! Go follow her guys!

I will update tomorrow about covers but the official chapter update will come on Wednesday- i repeat- Wednesday.

Thanks for reading! Did you enjoy?

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