Chapter 12

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I'm back!


"Where have you been?"

A harsh slap hits my face as I walk into my home; I go flying backwards into the doorframe.

Didn't even leave me time to drop my bags, I think dryly. I close my eyes, wincing before opening them to see the monster bellowing in front of me. The door is still open and I wouldn't be surprised if they heard his screams and insults at me. He marches towards the door, coming closer to me and slams it shut. He faces me, fists up ready to strike. There's a look in his eye- i've never seen it before. It's deadly, dangerous...wild and it fills me with so much fear I can't breathe.

He's going to kill me.

I inch closer away and he glares at me daring me not to run. So I do the exact opposite, I run. I run as if my life depends on it- which it does. I obviously didn't go very fast as i'm tackled to the ground. His huge weight crushes me and I bang my head against the floor. I try to wiggle away, which seems like an impossible task under him. He growls in frustration pinning me down. One hand grabs me by the wrists and lifts my arms over my head. His other arm snakes around my neck, violently choking me. He's positioned himself on top of me leaving me completely and utterly defenceless. All fight leaves my body like someone sucking it out with a vacuum.

"You bitch! How fucken' dare you?" His breath smells like alcohol and his face is contorted with anger.

Where is my mother?

I don't pay attention to him as he spews insults at me. All I can think about is my mum. I haven't seen her. I can't hear her upstairs. Is she ok? Is she even home? Maybe she's out looking for me...

My father punches me in the face. He does it once, then twice and lastly or a third time. Blood pours out from my nose and lip, blurring my vision to a hazy red. I nearly pass out- the room is spinning. I go limp, putting on my energy into not passing out. My father grunts, letting go of my neck and arms. He picks me up like i'm a rag doll and throws me over his shoulder. I feel myself moving and don't even attempt to struggle because I know it's a battle I can't win.

I had lost the second I walked past that door...

He rubs his hand over my ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Look at you, you're all grown up," he chuckles to himself. It's amazing how fast his mood swings are. I close my eyes tight, shuddering in disgust. He truly is a revolting human- no sorry, I won't classify him as one of us. He's a hideous monster.

He slaps my arse again and I whimper. We're going up the stairs now- I wonder where he's taking me. We turn left into the corridor, walk past my room and turn into his room. I open my eyes gasping in horror as I take in the sight of my naked mother tied to the bed door frame with a belt. Tears fill up in my eye, and I feel like I can't breathe.

This is my fault.

I don't know if she is alive or not. Her body has been beaten black and blue- and little splotches of blood coat her entire frame. She has a massive patch of blood between her legs that is still dripping onto the bed sheets. She is not awake- passed out I pray. Her chest is rising and falling gently which feels me with hope. Father throws me onto the bed violently- tying me to the bed as he did with my mum, only this time he uses a towel.

"You see your mother here, this bitch was pregnant. How selfish! I have provided her with everything and she gets pregnant so I have to feed another mouth. It probably isn't my baby- she's such a slut I wouldn't be surprised if she had been whoring around," He walks over to the bed side table by my mother's side and lights himself a cigarette.

"So I had to do what I had to do. I killed it. I beat her till it died and damn right I enjoyed it," he says smirking proudly. My heart fills with pain for my mother.

She was pregnant? I hope she's ok.

"Saved me money as well- going to the abortion centre and shit is pricey. Then here comes the best part. I used her pussy 3 times while you were gone. One time she was passed out so I don't even know if she felt that. And that slut enjoyed it- I know she did. She always does. Whore," he says, taunting me- scaring me.

"But i'm tired of that loose shit- I want to dip myself in some fresh, tight pussy- you" I think I choked on my own breath. Tears fill my eyes and I shake my head frantically.

"No no no no no. Please no," I beg, crying.

He ignores me, stubbing his cigarette out on my mums bells- where the baby would be. He shakes my mother violently to wake her up.

"I want this bitch to watch,"

My mum wakes up with a stir. She looks around uneasily- as if she doesn't know where she is. Then her eyes fall on me and they widen to saucers. Fear glazes her eyes, and she looks at me desperately, helplessly. My father slaps her across the face and she turns to look at him.

"I'm going to fuck your daughter now and you're gonna watch," he mutters to her.

"No, no, no, use me. Leave her alone- she's only a child," I'm sure she's trying to sound strong, but her voice wavers and she's weak. She spreads her legs, pleading with him.

"No, I don't want your cheap pussy. Now make another word and I'll punch your precious daughter in the face," he spits.

I close my eyes- knowing there's no escape.

My father turns to me- ripping my clothes off.

"My, my, you certainly have grown up. Damn I should have done this years ago," he groans- staring at my exposed body. He squeezes my breast through my bra, fondling it slowly. I feel my bra being unclipped and my underwear being taken off.

I don't even look to see what he's doing- I can feel it. I turn my head to my mother and look her in the eye. She holds it- sending me as much love and comfort as possible.

"Imagine a better place," she mouths to me. And I do. I imagine a place where I am loved, where I am beautiful, where I am happy. I imagine a place far from hell.

This is hell.


I'm back y'all! I've missed you all! How are you?

I'm sorry I haven't updated in the last couple weeks. Someone close to me died and I've been grieving. I  didn't have much time to write. 

Anyways, how did you like this chapter? I cried a bit writing it. I tried to make it as deep and heartfelt as possible. Was it? Do I need to improve/change some bits? Just drop a comment- you know how much I love to hear your feedback. 

I keep saying I will put up another cast list- and I will- soon. I just haven't decided all my characters yet.  I go on holiday on Friday- I'm away for 2 weeks. I'll be able to write but I probably won't publish. I'll write as much as I possibly can though so when I come back I can do triple updates or something.

I'm going to try update once or twice before I leave but no promises. 


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