Chapter 1. Heated.

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Hiccup P.O.V.

"Ok Ruffnut and Tuffnut what are all the dragon classes?" I questioned. We were in the Dragon Academy, and I was giving them test over dragons. "Um......." Ruffnut and Tuffnut said in unison. Just then my father barged in. "Hiccup come home we have important matters to attend." he yelled.

I left Astrid in charge and went with my father. "Son we are going into war with the Berserkers and I want you to lead the whole village, by yourself. No dragons no friends just you and your own hands.Is that clear." he said. I gasped I could not believe this."Crystal clear dad" I cried wiping away tears. I hoped onto Toothless and flew up to the mountains and sat on a rock facing the village.

"How could he do this, I Hiccup Haddock the third fight Berserkers. I'll never be able to tell Astrid how much Iove her. Shortly after my escape Astrid flew up the sky on Stormfly. I guess classes were over. Her blond hair was tied into a lose braid, flowing in the wind and I could see her pale skin sparkling under the moonlight. I just stared at her deeply taking in every inch of her beauty.

Sadly It might be my last. I frowned.She saw me sulking and landed next to me."Hey Hiccup, are you ok?" asked Astrid. I stared straight ahead, because I knew if I looked at her I would fall apart. She waved her hand in front of my face."Yeah" I lied. She sat down next to me and rested her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to stare at her If I could I would of melted under her touch.

"Hiccup don't lie to me" she said. I looked up at her deep blue eyes and sighed deeply."No." I confessed. "What's wrong?" she asked worryingly. Her eyes digging into me "Astrid do you want me to be completely honest with you?" I asked looking away from her.

"Yeah." she said raising and eyebrow, unsure." I looked strait at her sparkling blue eyes and confessed."Astrid im leaving...for war." She laughed "Hiccup we always have war, we always win and here you are." She gestured to me giggling. "No Astrid this is different than the others. I took her hands into mine making her stop laughing, she shivered under my touch.

"I have to lead the whole village myself. No dragons. No friends. No you." I said holding in tears. She covered her mouth with her hand and gasped. A tear escaped her eye. I wiped it away with my thumb. "No Hiccup you can't leave" she choked. I pulled her in a hug, for a while she didn't do anything, as I started to let go she hugged me back. I could barely breath but I managed to say. "I love you Astrid."

She looked up at me with tears in in her face. I looked at her trying to find an answer from her. She hugged me even harder that I was gasping for air, she cried and laughed."Finally Hiccup!" "Air.." I gasped. "Oh sorry" she said letting go of me. I looked at her and saw she was staring at the ground blushing red.I cocked my head and joked.

"Aww is Astrid the brave blu... " but before I finished she cut me off by kissing me. Sparks flew everywhere and, my stomach was filled with butterflies. She put her arms around my neck, as I put my arms around her slim, and curvy waist. I ravished her plum sweet lips, as she lightly tugged at my light brown locks from behind, I had to fight the feeling to moan.

After what seemed like hours we pulled away, gasping for air. After we caught our breath Astrid replied "I love you too Hiccup" she blushed. "Yes!" I yelled pumping my fist up in the air and jumping. Astrid giggled. "Astrid the brave? Really Hiccup?" she turned to pet Stormfly.

I stopped jumping and walked towards Astrid, and put my arms around her waist. She shivered once again. "Of course you are." I kissed her on her cheek. She blushed. "Hiccup I dont want to ruin this moment but you still have to go to war" she sighed deeply. Reality came to my senses and I frowned. Astrid turned around and looked up at me

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