Chapter 7. Escape and Grief

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Hiccup P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes taking in where I was. I was in a room with a bed, sink, and toilet. Suddenly I saw a girl with blond hair, spiked skirt, and red faded shirt right next to me soundly asleep. "Astrid!" I shouted.

Astrid jolted up looking around her "Hiccup!" she yelled wrapping her arms around me. I hugged back and whispered "I thought I lost you"

"Me too" she sobbed. "Who kidnapped us?" I asked. She trembled "Daagur..." That stupid guy. I rolled my eyes "Don't worry I won't let him hurt you" I mumbled.

I pulled away and crashed my lips to her sweet lips. "BREAK IT UP!" yelled a male voice. Both of us pulled away looking for where the voice is. Daggur came out of the shadows. "Hello my dear cousin Hiccup" "Daggur let us go!" I yelled. He laughed "No Hiccup I want your Nightfurry and I'm gonna get it!" he smirked.

"As if you could!" I scoffed. His smirk turned into a scowl. "Then I kill your girlfriend!" he yelled. He grabbed Astrid by the hand, she let out a whimper.

Anger flowed through me. Everything was a blur but I could hear Astrid screaming at me to stop. I just kept holding my hands in fist hitting something.

Suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around me and dig their head into my chest. I blinked my eyes to see Astrid crying in my arms. "What happened Astrid?" I asked. She looked at me with tears flowing down her face "You blacked out and attacked Daggur...." she whispered shaking. "What else?" I said. "You killed him" she cried. "Oh my gosh....I killed someone..." I trailed off.

Astrid didn't want to look at me anymore so she closed her eyes. "Im so sorry Astrid" I whispered kissing her in the temple. "Hiccup" she mumbled. "Yeah" I replied. "You saved me" she said. I smiled. "At least I won't have to go to war anymore" Astrid smiled. "Yay" she squealed.

I chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Hey don't you tease me!" she whined. I shook my head "Later" I whispered seductively. She blushed as I winked at her.

"Come on Hicc let's go home" she said blushing.

"Ok" I said smirking. Me and Astrid searched for wild dragons.

Finally we found a dark blue Zippleback. I hopped on to the left as Astrid hopped on the right. We made our way to Berk.

"I wonder what happened to Berk after we left" I said.

"Me too" she trailed off. Astrid pointed at a something. I looked and saw a destroyed and burning island.

"Oh no" I said. We landed where Astrid's house should be. She dropped to the ground and cried. I ran up to her "Astrid calm down please" I begged, whipping away her tears. She nodded and got up. We walked up to my house. It was burning. A tear went down my cheek but I kept on walking. "Let's go check on Ruffnut" I said. Astrid frowned but agreed.

When we got to the cove everything was intact. I sighed in relief. "Hiccup knock" whispered Astrid. I lifted my hand and knocked.

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