Chapter 9. RIP Tuffnut Thorston

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Snotlout P.O.V.

Ruffnut fell into my arms "Ruff!" I yelled panicking. Hiccup noticed and came over. He quickly carried her and gently put her down on the bed.

"Hiccup what happened?" I asked scared. He gave me a worried look.

"She's having trouble taking in the awful news" said Astrid going next to Hiccup. I frowned "So what know?" Astrid looked at me "Let's go search for survivors while she wakes up" I nodded but Hiccup shook his head. "I'll stay here you guys go"

Astrid and I left. "So what happened Snotlout?" she asked. I sighed deeply "It's all my fault"


"Fishlegs, Snotlout and Tuffnut I need y'all to attack from the sky" ordered Stoick. We 3 nodded and hopped on our dragons. "Ugh how am I gonna ride without Ruffnut!?" yelled Tuffnut in frustration. I looked at Hookfang "Can you attack without me Hookfang?" I said. He growled. I quickly got off of Hookfang and got on Barf. "I'll help you Tuff" I said. He grinned at me as we took off.

I spread gas as Tuffnut made it explode. By the time we were done only 20 ships were left. Me and Tuffnut celebrate by laughing and giving each other friendly punches. "Let's go check on my sister Snotlout" said Tuffnut. I nodded. Suddenly an arrow tries to get me but I duck. Tuffnut them plunges down to the ocean. My eyes widen as I noticed the arrow hit him. "Hookfang get Tuffnut!" I yelled. Hookfang shot down to get Tuffnut.

But Hookfang was too late. Tuffnut died right in front of me. I was sad but then anger got into me and I killed the remaining ships.

"What am I gonna tell Ruff!" I screamed. I was fighting a Berserker when out of nowhere another one attacked me and gave me a deep cut. Barf and Belch came in and killed them. "Let's go check on Ruff" I mumbled.

------------End of FLASHBACK----------

"Wow" said Astrid. I felt a tear go down my face.

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