Chapter 13. Plan

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Ruffnut P.O.V.

"Ruffnut!" yelled a female voice. I looked up to see Astrid. "Hi did you find Snotlout?" I ask tears streaming down my face. She nods and smiles "And someone else" I raised an eyebrow. "Who?" She pulled me up and took me too the edge of the cove. I saw Snotlout and someone oddly familiar, he had blond hair, pale skin, and a couple of freckles.

I gasped as more tears streamed down my face "Tuffnut!" I screamed tackling him to the ground. "Ow!" he yelled in pain. "Sorry" I apologize getting up.

"Who found you?" I cry hugging him. "Snotlout" he replied hugging me back. I sniffed "Thanks Snotlout" I got away from Tuffnut's embrace and gave Snotlout a kiss on the lips. He smiled "Anything for you babe" I giggled but Tuffnut growled at him. "Let's go back to Hiccup" Astrid suggested. Tuffnut's face softens "Okay" I smiled. Tuffnut knew about me and Hiccup. He was okay with it but I hope he takes it well when I tell him we aren't a thing anymore. Astrid helps Snotlout with Tuffnut. I run ahead and surprise Hiccup. "Gaaah!!" he screamed. I laughed "What's up Ruff?" he asked. "Tuffnut is alive!" I cry. His eyes widen "Oh my Thor" he said. I smiled and pulled him towards them. His smile widen as does Tuffnut. "Dude!" said Hiccup. "I know" grinned Tuffnut.

Snotlout then came over and slipped his arm around me. "So what you up to Ruffnut?" he asked. I giggle and leaned on him "Building houses"

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

Hiccup P.O.V.

I go over to Astrid and kiss her on the cheek. She grins "So you guys found Tuffnut?" I ask. Her grin fades "Actually he was barely breathing so I had to give him mouth to mouth" I frowned and kissed her forehead.

"Stop trying to be the hero" I joke. She smiled "So chief what's your plan?" I think for a moment









"We find the dragons"

What I'd do for you AstridWhere stories live. Discover now