Chapter 4. It's okay

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Astrid P.O.V.

When I arrived at the Dragon Academy I saw Hiccup caress Ruffnuts hair but she quickly slapped it away. I felt heat rise to my cheeks, yesterday he put his arms around her shoulders and he looked pretty dam comfortable, and now he's flirting with her?

Is he cheating on me?

I clenched my fist and stared at them talk. What if I was wrong maybe he was just comforting her?  After a couple of minutes did they noticed my presence.

"Hey Astrid!" they shouted as they ran towards me. Hiccup put his hands on my waist and kissed me lightly on the lips. Shivers went down my spine. Ruffnut then spoke up "Astrid can I talk to you?" I nodded. "Aww Ruff why ya gotta steal my girlfriend?" joked Hiccup. "Just cuz" she shrugged. I giggled at how they acted. I led Ruffnut towards my training site in the forest. I looked at her and asked what I already wanted to know. "So what's up with you and Hiccup?"

She sighed "We used to..kinda go...out.." I frowned. Ruffnut then looked at me "Are you mad?" I looked at her and smiled "No but I'm happy you told me" She smiled. I quickly hugged her and left. It wasn't bad news actually but I'm gonna have to speak to Hiccup, it's not that I'm mad but he could of a least told me.

Hiccup P.O.V

After Ruffnut and Astrid left I began to train with the guys.

"So are you and Astrid going out?" asked Snotlout. I grinned "Yes" Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout started to sing "Astrid and Hiccup sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I laughed.

"Snotlout your not mad?"I asked. "No I actually started to hit on her to make you jealous" he smirked. After a while of talking, we all started to train. Astrid came back with Ruffnut but she didn't seem mad so I continued training. 

After practice everyone left, Astrid came over to me and kissed me. I smirked. "You couldn't get enough of me yesterday did you" I whispered. She blushed "No, so Mister see ya later tonight?" she asked.

I nodded and pulled her in for another kiss. When we pulled away she hit me in my shoulder but it didn't hurt.I laughed. "See ya later Astrid"

--------Later that night--------

I was wearing a black shirt with some blue jeans and my black fur boot.

I knocked on Astrids door and out came a beautiful girl wearing a red tight shirt, and a spike skirt. Her hair was in a braid with her bangs covering her eye. I smiled "Shall we go my Divine Beauty?" I said offering my hand. She blushed and took my hand. I took her to Toothless and pulled her up.

Astrid wrapped her arms around my waist which send shivers down my spine. Quickly I snapped out of it "Come on Toothless" I said. During the ride Astrids hands wondered around my abs. I had to fight the feeling to moan.

When we got to the cove there was a blanket on the ground. She smiled at me, I smiled back. I took her to the blanket and sat down. Instead of sitting next to me Astrid sat on my lap. I blushed. She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck.  I looked at her diamond blue eyes and leaned in. I took her bottom lip into both of mine. She moaned and shifted a bit. I gripped her waist to keep her still. I took the chance to deepen the kiss.

I could feel her tugging at my hair in the back. I moaned. I licked her bottom lip for entrance which she greedily objected. I squeezed her waist a bit which made her moan. Quickly I stuck my tongue in. I smirked. We both then pulled back and took in a quick breath. "So we're just getting to the point aren't we Astrid?" I said. "Well I see you didn't bring any food so what else is there?" she replied moving her bangs out of her eye. I looked at her "Your the most beautiful person I've ever met Astrid" I blurted.

She blushed. I took this opportunity to pin her down to the ground. I was now covering her slim body. I smirked at her. She blushed even more. "Time to meet the naughty Hiccup" whispered into her ear. She shivered. I kissed her on the lips then trailed down to her jaw, until I was on her neck. I sucked on her sweet spot as she moaned, my stomach churned in giddy.

Astrid P.O.V.

Oh my Thor the things this boy does to me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he pinned me down and started kissing my neck. I moaned. Hiccup smirked as he went back to ravishing my lips.

Oh it is so on Hiccup.

My hands then went under his shirt, outlining his abs that have been teasing me the whole time. He moaned. I smirked at him and went down to kissing his neck. Hiccup moaned again but gave revenge back to me as he went to my waist and squeezed my waist which made me squeal. I pulled away and took a deep breath. His dark green forest eyes were staring down at me. "I love you Astrid" he said.

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