Chapter 15.

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Chance P.O.V.

I put on a fake smile, waving goodbye to Hiccup, Astrid, and the two blond twins. Once they're far away. I curse myself. She already moved on, and with the new chief no less. I wonder what happened to Stoick? No matter I will get my Astrid back, one way or another.

I go down the deck and into my room. Dragon heads, and scales are all over my room. One thing I noticed in our chat is they had a Night Furry, and Astrid said something about 'what's left of it'.

Shaking my head I sighed "Why did I leave you my divine beauty?

And for 3 years!" I groan and hit the wall with my fist.

What does she see in him!? It's not because she misses me, because we look nothing alike. Hiccup has shaggy brown hair, I have blond hair, he has green eyes, I have blue eyes.

Im taller than him by a foot, and I have more muscles than him. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood there thinking.

Suddenly I hear a horn. "It must be my greeting" I mumbled.

Quickly I set everything ready. "Chance!" yelled a feminine voice.

I ignore the female voice and keep my mind settled on the task. "Chance!" The owner of the voice grabs my shoulders roughly and pulls me facing her. "What do you want Destiny!" I shot at my older sister. "I want you to promise not to separate Astrid and Hiccup!" I glare at her, "Why!" She glares back at me "Because they have true love!" I roll my eyes "Are you some sort of love expert?" She stiffened but answered me,

"No, but I have friends who are"

"You have friends who are love experts?" I laughed at her.

"Shut up" she said.

"No, no I would like to meet these love exp -"

She quickly covered my mouth and moved her head left to right.

I removed her hand and opened my mouth to speak but she shushed me. Suddenly I heard a noise, my eyes widen at the familiar sound.

"Dragons" Destiny's blond hair is a blur, as I blink my eyes and rush towards my sword and shield.

Hiccup P.O.V.

Astrids hands are wrapped around my torso as we fly back towards the island. "Wait, if Chance is here, how come we didn't see Destiny?" I shrugged my shoulders at Astrid and expertly landed on the ground. "Now where is that Whispering Death?" I ask. Ruffnut points behind me and I quickly move my head towards the direction and see it just inches from my face. "Oh" I whispered. It cocked it's head to the side and I took out my hand, closing my eyes. Suddenly I feel something sharp on my hand. I crack open my eyes and see the dragon leanings on my hand. I grinned like and idiot as Ruff, and Tuff praise me. "What should we call her?" Astrid asked. Snotlout thinks for a second and opens his mouth "Hope?"

"I like it"


I told the village of our visitors and told Snotlout to blow the horn.

The whole village goes towards the docks. Me and the riders are on our dragons waiting.

The end.

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