Chapter 14. Chance

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Hiccup P.O.V.

Astrid nodded and yawned. "We should go to sleep" I suggested. Everyone agreed, Ruffnut slept with Snotlout, Tuffnut alone, and Astrid with me. "Hiccup how are we gonna find the dragons?" she asked tiresome. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her. "I don't know" I muttered. She smiled weakly and gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and went to sleep.

-----Time jump 8 months later------

"Hiccup!" yelled Snotlout. I doved down before he could get me. "Im sorry!" I said. He glared at me and left shaking his head. I sighed getting up. I look around the cove and couldn't help but feel proud. 10 houses in a row with one huge house in the middle. We have been working hard for the last couple of months.

Getting ready for our search for the dragons was hard, but we finally got our supplies coming in steadily. If you were wondering why I was running away from Snotlout, its cuz I said we should try to find Toothless and Stormfly first, then Barf and Belch, and Hookfang. "Chief!" Shouted Astrid.

I smiled and wrapped her in a hug as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

I grinned "What's up my Divine Beauty?" she blushed "We found some dragons" I gasped "Show me!" she laughed and pulled me to the forest.

The whole time I stared at Astrid, taking in her beauty. "Hello?! Earth to Hiccup!" joked Astrid. I snapped my head "What!?" she giggled and pointed at the twins. Ruffnut smiled at me and spoke "Hicc! We found a Torch, Whispering Death, Tunderdrum, Barf and Belch and-" Tuffnut cut her off  "And Toothless!" Ruffnut gave him an annoyed look, and kicked him in the shin. "Oww!" yelled Tuffnut. Ruffnut grinned "Come on we have them in the Dragon Academy" I smiled "Let's go!"

Mystery P.O.V.

I was looking forward to visiting Berk, I hope Astrid hasn't forgotten me.

I yearn for her touch. I think she will be proud of me. I have gone to the end of the earth to kill all the dragon species in existence. I will have her and nothing is gonna stop me.

Astrid P.O.V.

Hiccup looked at Toothless "Hey bud" he murmured. Toothless gave us a toothless grin. I laughed as he pounced on Hiccup and started to lick him. Hiccup groaned and rolled away "You know that doesn't wash out!" he whined trying  to get it off him. Toothless then turned to me and smiled. Oh no "Toothless don't you dare!" I yelled.

Before I could react Toothless attacked me and started to lick me. "You are so dead!" I screamed pulling away. Toothless looked at me like he was innocent. I started to charge at him but a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. "Calm down Astrid he's just playing" I rolled my eyes "Ok Hiccup" he smiled and let me go. Toothless looked at us and smiled. I couldn't stay mad at him so I smiled back.

Suddenly one of the younger teens come running "Chief! An unknown boat as been spotted!" Hiccup nodded and got on Toothless. "Come on Astrid" he said. I nodded and got on Toothless, wrapping my arms around him. "Let's go Bud" he said. We shot up in the sky and went towards the ocean. "Keep your eyes open Astrid" I nodded and looked at the never ending ocean. I squinted my eyes and saw a ship. "Hiccup over there!" I said pointing.

He turned his head towards the direction and flew towards it. "You know the drill Astrid" he said. He moved closer until I was able to jump. I nodded and jumped, tucking and rolling.

"I am Astrid Hofferson of Berk, show yourself!" I commanded. Hiccup stayed in the air in case I needed backup. "Astrid?" A tall and well built teen stepped out. My eyes widen "Chance?" He smiled and ran to me, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged back "I thought you were dead" I cried. "Shh, I'm sorry baby, I had business to do" I gasped and pulled away "Im sorry Chance but I moved on."

His dark blue eyes stared at me sadly. "Hiccup" I said scared at what he might do. Chance looked at me weirdly, but before he could speak Toothless landed. Chance's eyes widen, but he snaps into protecting mode "Astrid get behind me." he says. I shook my head and pat Toothless on the head

"A lot has changed since you left Chance, we now live in peace with dragons...well what's left of it." I explain. "Astrid who is he?" asked Hiccup. I smile at him "Chance" Hiccup's eyes widen and his face breaks into a smile.

"Chance! Buddy how's it been!" he exclaims hugging Chance. He laughs and hugs Hiccup back. "Chief!" yelled a female voice. We all look up and see Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf, and Belch

"Hey Ruff" I greeted. She smiles and waves. "Hiccup were having a problem dealing with the Whispering Death" Hiccup groans "I'll be right there" I giggled and got on Toothless. "Come on! It might destroy our mini village!" I exclaimed.

Hiccup shook his head and got on Toothless. I wrap my arms around him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hello what about me!?" I turn my head towards Chance "Hey you have a boat!" I point out. He rolls his eyes and motions us to go.

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