Chapter 8. Jealous

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Astrid P.O.V.

Hiccup raised his hand and knocked. The door was opened by Ruffnut.

"Thank Thor your okay!" she cried. She hugged me and we both cried.

"Where's the rest of the gang?" asked Hiccup. Ruffnut pulled away from our hug "Snotlout is here, Fishlegs I saw him take flight to fight.." she trailed off. "What about Tuffnut?" I ask. She shook her head as more tears fell down her cheek.

"I don't know, he came to check on me when the horn blew, he said he loves me, and to always remember him and then he ran off" Ruffnut then dropped to her knees and sobbed. I kneel down and hug her. "It's okay Ruff" I whisper.

Hiccup carries her in and Ruffnut digs her head into his chest. I felt a pang of jealousy but shook it off. At the corner of the room I see Snotlout, he had a lot of injuries, one that caught my eye the most was a deep cut on his hand. "Hey Astrid and Hiccup" he greeted. I smiled

"What happened to you Snotlout?" I ask examining his injury. "Stoick wanted all the men 15 and up to fight" he said. I gasped. "What happened to Fishlegs and Tuffnut?"

He frowned "Fishlegs and Meatlug died" he looked at Ruffnut and then back at me "Tuffnut died also." he whispered. A tear went down my cheek. "Did you tell her" I say looking at Ruffnut. He shook his head he looked at Ruffnut once more with worry and love. "I can't bring myself to tell her, it would break her gorgeous self" he said.

"Do you like her?" I smirked. He blushed and nodded. "After all this mess is over ask her out" I smiled and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Hiccup P.O.V.

"I'm really sorry Ruffnut" I whispered in her ear. She smiled weakly. "Thanks Hiccup" I set her down on the bed and give her a kiss on the temple. "What happened out there?" asked Ruffnut. I frowned "Everything is destroyed or either on fire" I look over at Astrid and see her give Snotlout a kiss on the cheek. I clench my fist. Ruffnut places her hand on mine. "Calm down Hicc" she mumbled. I smiled. Ruffnut looks at Snotlout and sighed deeply. "You like him" I tease. She blushes "No"

I give her a cheeky grin. "Of course not"

"What if I do?" she mumbles. "Then I do this" I smiled devilishly. I got up and cupped my face with my hands "Snotlout! Ruffnut likes yo.." I was cut of by Ruffnut who covered my mouth with her hand. Snotlout and Astrid crossed their arms and raised an eyebrow. "Nothing!" she chirped. I shook her off "She likes you!" I said. Ruffnut looked at me angrily and punched my shoulder.

Snotlout grinned and walked over to Ruffnut. "I like you too" he whispered. Before crashing his lips on hers. Immediately Ruffnut wrapped her arms around him. Me and Astrid smiled at each other.

Ruffnut P.O.V.

"I like you too" he said. Gosh i think I just died. He pressed his firm lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer closing any space between us. Sparks were flying everywhere, unlike when I did this with Hiccup. I pulled away and smiled. Snotlout gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I know what happened to your brother Ruff" he mumbled. I looked at him and whispered "Please tell me"

He lifted my head with his hand and said "He's dead" he gave me a small kiss on the lips. Then everything went black.

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