Chapter 5. Hiccstrid!

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Astrid P.O.V.

"I love you to Hiccup" I said looking at his dark green eyes. He smirked "May I?" he asked gesturing to my body. "Yes, this might be the only time we do" I sighed. Which was true for him leaving to war in 11, days.

He nodded and kissed me passionately. Slowly I took off his shirt, as he took off mine. He kept on kissing me as he took off my skirt. I moaned, while I took of his pants. I pulled away. Hiccup was still over me. He looked up and down my body as I closed my eyes and blushed a bright red. Suddenly I felt a pair of warm lips on my waist, I moaned. I tugged at his dark locks as he kept trailing up until he reached my lips again.

I caressed his abs and got up. Hiccup gave me a look. "Not here where anyone can see us!" I whispered yelled. He nodded and picked me up as if I weighed nothing. When Hiccup put me down we were in a cave with Toothless covering the entry. This time I got on top of Hiccup and straddled him. He moaned as I layed on him and kissed his neck.

-----------------Time jump---------------

I opened my eyes slowly to see it was morning. I snuggled into Hiccup's chest. "You awake?" asks Hiccup.

"Yeah" I mumble. Hiccup wraps his arms around me and puts his head between my shoulder and neck. "That was awesome" he whispered in my ear. "Shut up" I said blushing.  He laughed "I love you Astrid" he said. "I love you too Hiccup" I whispered. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company. After a while I got away from Hiccups grip and got up to put on my clothes. Hiccup then did the same. "We should go back" he said. "But I wanna be here with you" I whine.

He chuckled "Well I could walk you home" he suggested. I smiled and hugged him. Hiccup pulled me out of the cave and into the village. We waved at the people as we strolled through hand in hand. When we got to my house Hiccup stiffened. I cocked my head to the right "What's wrong Hicc?" I ask. "Nothing" he lied. I smiled and went forward to open the door. "Where have you been Astrid!" Yelled my dad. "With Hiccup dad. " I said. He looked between us and spoke "Where were you all night?" he asked once again. "We." I was cut off by Hiccup. "We went out on a date sir and we fell asleep." I looked at Hiccup and smiled. My dad seemed convinced and left. Both me and Hiccup sighed in relief.

"When did you turn into a liar?" I whispered giving him a kiss on the cheek. He laughed "You just don't know me well"

Suddenly we heard a horn


"Were being attacked!" Hiccup yelled.


Well I was just about to erase this book when


convinced me not to. Thank you and I'll try my best to make more Chapter's faster.

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