Chapter 10. New Start

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Ruffnut P.O.V.

"Ruffnut" I slowly opened my eyes to see emerald green eyes staring at me. "Hiccup!" I mumbled hugging him. "Where's Snotlout and Astrid?" I ask looking around the room. He sighed "Looking for any survivors"

"Why'd you didn't go with them?" I ask curious. He looks at me

"Cuz I care Ruff" I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. He lightly blushes. "How are you an Astrid" He smiled "Were great" Suddenly the door burst open. 12 kids came in, including 2 teenagers. 1 of them comes running after Hiccup and the other one comes at me. "I'm glad your okay babe" he said hugging me. I blushed and Hiccup saw me and smirked. 'Shut up' I mouthed. He shrugged and spoke to Astrid.

I pull away from the hug and kiss him on the lips. "Who are these kids?" I hear Hiccup say. "The only survivors we could find on foot." replied Astrid. I could hear Hiccup sigh in frustration. I smile in the kiss and Snotlout pulls away.

Hiccup P.O.V.

I sighed in frustration and looked at Astrid "I'm sorry Astrid" She nodded and I saw a tear go down her cheek. I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on top of the head. "It's okay Hicc" I shook my head. Suddenly I felt someone tug at my feet. I pulled away and looked down. A little blond girl was there holding a teddy bear "Why is everyone sleeping and covered in red paint?" Sadness hit my hearth. I Kneel down to her height. "They're just taking a long nap, maybe even still when your 40."

She giggled "That long?" I nod. Astrid than gives me a kiss on the cheek. "How about you go play with the other kids?" she suggest. The little girl nods and leaves. I frown and get up "That's very sad" spoke out Ruffnut.

I turn around and agree. Ruffnut noticed me crying and pulled me away to a corner. "What's wrong?" she asks. I sigh "Everyone died, kids don't even know what happened, and now I'm chief" She hugs me in comfort.

I hug back "Your a good friend Ruff" I whisper. "I know right" she jokes.

I sighed and laughed pulling away. "Let's go back or our partners might think were cheating." she laughed. I smile and pull her towards them.

Astrid and Snotlout are in a serious talk so we don't interrupt them. When they were finished me and Ruffnut smiled and tackled both of them to the ground. "Hahahaah" they screamed. Ruffnut and me laugh and kiss them on the cheek to stop them. I pull up an angry Astrid "Hiccup!" she exclaimed. I laugh "You should of seen your face!" She gives me a punch on the shoulder. Ruffnut then whispers something in my ear "Come on chief explain what happened to the kids" I frown but nod. "Kids if I could have your attention" All the kids stop and look at me. "We will start a mini village in the cove and start from scratch till we find more.." I couldn't tell them survivors or they'll think they're dead and we don't want any crying kids. "Awake people!" Shouted Snotlout.

I nodded and continued "When we do we will stay here. Everyone will be given a small job to help. Kids 5 and up will help, while the others stay here with Ruffnut." The kids nod. "Yes chief Hiccup" they say in unison.

I smile as Astrid gives me a kiss on the cheek.

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