Chapter 16

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Sorry guys but there won't be a sequel instead this is going to be the last chapter

3rd person P.O.V.

It has been a year since Chance and his sister Destiny have returned to Berk. Chance tried anything to get back with Astrid until Hiccup proposed to her, he knew he had lost, he respected that for he was not a man of revenge or cold hearth.

Destiny grew closer to Tuffnut every day. She made him forget his destructive ways and focus on their relationship.

Snotlout and Ruffnut had a kid named Hope. She looked just like her mother but had the same big ego as her father. Hiccup and Astrid married when they were 22 and had twins named Travis and Citlali. Travis had blond hair and green eyes, as to Citlali who had brown hair and blue eyes. All the kids in the village grew strong and wise. They had finally moved from the cramped cove to where the old village was and found their dragons.

They all lived at peace with the dragons.

Hiccup remembered his younger cousin Merida of Dunbroch.

He quickly wrote a letter in hopes of support.

When Merida received the news she was devastated that her favorite Uncle had died.

She set action for her and the clans to help.

When they arrived Chance instantly fell in love with the red head.

Merida thought the same way but forced her feelings for she loved her freedom.

Once everyone was helped Chance spent all his time with her. While around him she laughed and giggled.

Finally on the last day he asked if he could go with her. She smiled and agreed. Hiccup at first was sceptical, he was very protective of his younger cousin, but when he saw how happy he made her he welcomed him with open arms.

Astrid taught at the academy while Hiccup went on with his chiefly duties. They still loved each other very much. Not a day goes by that Berk remembers that un faithful day.

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