Chapter 2. Secrets.

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Hiccup P.O.V.

I closed the door behind us and looked at Ruffnut. "So..details please!" she squealed jumping up and down. "Okay.." I sighed deeply. After I told her everything she slapped me in the face. ""Owww. Why did you do that!?" I shouted. She shook her head and said " Hicc, out of all the guys here on berk you are the only one I thought would never rush a relationship...mostly not into a huge make out session!!!" she said throwing her hands in the air.

She slapped me once again and sighed "And that is for all the torture I'm going to get when the guys find out Astrid is taken" she ran her finger into her straight blong hair looking worried and scared.

My eyes widen "Im so sorry, now Snotlout and Fishlegs will fight for your hand when we get older!" I said trying to comfort her. "Okay but first let's get y'all fixed up." she said gesturing to me. I nodded and opened the door.

Astrid P.O.V.

When Hiccup left with Ruffnut, a million questions popped in my mind.

Why is she here? How can Hiccup be completely normal infront of Ruffnut, who was wearing makeup and her hair in curls!?. Did she hear what we were doing outside? What are they talking about?

After my huge question storm I took a deep breath and looked around. It was actually very cute, there was a huge velvet rug with little makeup stations and to the far corner a bathroom and a pink bed. I went inside the bathroom to see mouthwash, towels and Deodorant, and something called Estrellas magicas perfume.

I walked out of the bathroom and  sat on one of the makeup station chairs just looking at the mirror. I gasped, my hair was down in little waves, but still a little messed up. I looked downt at my neck and saw at least 2 Hickys. Man do I look awful.

Then I heard the door open, quickly I got out of the chair and crossed my arms and whistled. Hiccup was holding Ruffnut, who looked calm but you could still see the messed up makeup. "Ruffnut are you okay?" I asked worryingly. "Yes, let's just fix you up" she sighed.

She steered me over to the makeup station and started to brush my hair. "So I heard you and Hicc are together now!" she squealed. I blushed "We are actually" She giggled "Omg I am so happy for you!"  Ruffnut then did my hair into a braid with my bangs over my eye.

Then I remembered my one big question. "Ruffnut what is this place and how is Hiccup so calm over you?" She stiffened. "This is my house. I moved out of mine and Tuffnuts place a while ago." Okay that made sense but what she did not answer was why is Hiccup so calm over her.

I looked straight at her and said "What is up with you and Hiccup?"

She cringed and stared right back at me. "Do you promise not to get mad?" she asked a little bit scared. I nodded.



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