Chapter 12. Building

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Astrid P.O.V.

"Come on kids time to sleep!" I said. They groaned as I smiled. "Come on listen to the chief's girlfriend!" exclaimed Ruffnut. I giggled and nodded. "Where are Hiccup and Snotlout?" she whispered to me. "Went to bring more survivors and supplies." I whisper back. "Ok" I move away from Ruff to put the little ones to sleep. After I finished I felt someone cover my eyes. I quickly hit them in the gut, they release their grip and groan. "Really Astrid, this is how you great your boyfriend?"

"Sorry Hiccup" I apologize helping him up. "Just never scare me like that" He nods and pulls me in a kiss. I giggle as we pull away. "What?" he asked. "Nothing" I shake my head. He smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and pull him outside "We should get to work" I said. He frowns "But I wanted to make out with my girlfriend" he whined. I rolled my eyes "If we finish" He quickly went to work making a house with Ruffnut.

I smile and help Snotlout out. "What shall we do Snotlout?" I ask. He smiles "Go out and find clothes for 12 children" "And 4 teenagers!" I add.

He rolls his eyes "Yeah yeah, now let's head out." I nod and run to the village with Snotlout at my heels. When we get there nothing is in flames anymore but everything is still in ruins. I start searching in the mead hall. I found lots of food, weapons, and furniture but no clothes.

I hope Snotlout is doing better. I huffed and carried everything in a wheel barrow back to the cove. It takes me at least 14 rounds to bring everything. When I finished I walked towards Hiccup who was having a conversation with Ruffnut. I wrapped my arms around Hiccup and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled "Where's Snotlout?" Ruffnut asked.

"I thought he was with y'all" I answer. She then starts to panic. Hiccup goes towards her and tries to help her calm down. I sighed and went to search for Snotlout. After an hour of searching I spot him at the docks.

It looks like he has something in his hands. "Snotlout?" I shouted. He looks at me and I could see tears in his eyes. I run towards him and my eyes widen at what I see.

"Tuffnut?" I choked. He nods and goes back to crying on him. I get closer and see Tuff barely breathing. I gasp and push Snotlout away. I start to do mouth to mouth and I see Tuffnuts eyes flutter open. He gasped and looks around him. "Astrid? Snotlout? Where's Ruffnut?" he asked. Suddenly he yelps in pain. Snotlout goes towards him and helps him up. I sighed in relief and help him up. Snotlout begins to explain what happened. "Well after you went to search for supplies at the mead hall I went to the gangs house's. I started with mine, then Hiccup's, Astrids, and finally Ruffnuts. When I got there I went outside and looked through the docks. I then spot Tuff and dive in." I nod and smile. "You big lump your my hero!" shouted Ruff jokingly.

We all laughed. When we got to the cove I ran over to Ruffnut.


Hi everyone lol. Well as you might have noticed I edited some stuff in the last chapters but don't worry I won't change much.

I just wanna say thanks for reading this. and if you could can you read my other books. I will start a new book called Fear thy Enemy. It will be about the big 5 and friends being spies. mainly on Merricup and Jelsa.

Lol if you have any ideas on the book tell me. Follow me on instagram im Frozen_fan12. You can also kik me but only if you follow me. I also have a youtube account. I know I'm so social. NOT.

Well as you can see I ramble on so bye!

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