Jaylex Drabble

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(Well, to start this off before I wait on requests, I decided to write a funny little drabble on my one of my favorite ships that, personally, I think should be recognized a bit more.

This is just supposed to be funny. Nothing much. A short, maybe funny, shot.)

Jay blinked and looked up at the giant tree he was standing in front of. His camera was recording the ground and he slowly moved it upwards to record what was happening. Tim and Brian stood next to him, biting back laughter. Alex, Jay's boyfriend, was camped up high in the tree, crouching on a branch.
"The fuck are you doing?" Jay called up to him, the camera zooming in on the glasses wearing man.
"Dude, you're not gonna scare anyone when they can see you!" Tim called up, chuckling a bit afterwards. Jay nodded.
"Yeah, exactly. Plus, doesn't the Operator have tentacles? That's what Noah told us, at least."
"... FUCK." Alex screeched, then proceeded to turn and slide down the tree after wrapping his arms and legs around it. Well, he didn't really slide. He more of scooted down it, muttering curses as he, as Jay could guess, hit his dick on the bark or something. Eventually, the crazy college boy reached the bottom and stood up, brushing broken bark pieces off of his striped hoodie and ripped jeans. He fixed his glasses as Jay walked up to him, pointing the camera in his face and chuckling. Alex shoved the camera away.

  "You post that on YouTube and I'm gonna murder you." Alex stated, almost playfully, to his boyfriend, who nodded. After that, the taller male the smaller's hat and put it on, instantly looking like he regretted his actions, picking it up off the top of his head, and chucking it. Jay laughed.
   "What was that?"
   "It was sweaty, you fuck!"
   "We've been out here shooting all day! What else did you expect?" Jay asked through laughs. He ran a hand through his hair swiftly before walking over his hat, picking it up, and putting it back on. Alex shivered and walked over to him. Jay looked around.

  "Where did Tim and Brian go?"
  "Probably went deeper into the woods to find a good set." Alex shrugged. Oh, yeah, I forgot to say what they're doing. These four idiots decided to make another mediocre film under Alex's directory. Jay agreed because he wanted to support his boyfriend and dragged Jessica, Tim, and Brian along for the miserable ride.
   "Pshhh, or they're already pressed against a tree about to fuck each other." Jay joked, rolling his eyes. Alex chuckled and nodded.
  "Yeah... probably. Wanna go be cockblocks?" He asked his smaller boyfriend, who nodded back eagerly. He held his camera up before Alex pushed it down. "Probably shouldn't record it. Don't want this to be turned into a porno." He laughed. Jay nodded and turned his camera off, still holding it.
   "Doesn't mean I'm not gonna act like it's on and I'm recording them."
   ".... this is why I love you." Alex grinned and leaned down a bit to kiss Jay's cheek. Jay went a bit pink in the face and smiled.
   "Aw, I love you too, you psychopathic imbecile!" Jay laughed and Alex joined in, grabbing Jay's free hand.
   "At least you're not wrong about that."

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