Try Me, Bitch (Masklex)

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(I haven't ever written about this ship publicly but I've worked with AUs dealing with this ship and I don't mind it at all.

Requested by Masky-is-a-BADASS. Sorry if this is too short or badly written!)

   Tim and Alex were both infected, both knew that well. Whatever virus that attracted the faceless monster in a suit was in their blood and they took it very differently. Tim, who had dealt with the infection all of his life, took medication to help keep the creature's influence and static out of his mind. Alex let the static get to him. The whispers and the promises got to his head quickly, making him snap harder than a thin, dry stick being broken over someone's knee. He commanded the creature in his mind against his own will, becoming a puppet for its intentions; god knows what they truly were.
Though, Tim wasn't without his problems. Even since Alex snapped, his medication was constantly stolen by a figure he could not identify. He was being roped back into his old friend group from college for all the wrong reasons and he hated it. On top of his increased seizure and coughing attacks now, he would have random black out moments where he wouldn't remember a few hours of his life as if he was drunk. He experienced these black outs before, but only when he was a child and when he wasn't on his pills. Back then, along with multiple accounts of schizophrenia and horrible anxiety, he was diagnosed with a simple case of multiple personality disorder. His mind harbored his own conscious and a second one that did not go by a different name, yet he eventually would be referred to as Masky, thanks to him always wearing a black and white mask to hide the fact that he was Tim. When this personality took over, Tim's memories would blank and be cut from his own mind for as long as Masky stayed in control of their body. Now that Tim was having black out moments again after so long scared him immensely. He thought Masky was gone for good.

   Despite Tim's anxieties of Masky using their body for evil, the other personality was actually trying to help a bit. He had been informed by a mysterious online user who knew of the current situation well about what was meant to happen to everyone, including his own body and his own consciousness. He took it upon himself to try and stop this from happening.  So, while in control, Masky would track Alex down and stalk him, watching his every movement for signs of attacking one of the people Tim actually cared about. He kept his eyes on Jay as well and tried to find Brian, who had gone missing a short time before Masky was able to be in his own mind again, but mostly watched Alex, who he saw to be the true enemy of everything that was going to occur.
   Though, something very unexpected happened while this occurred. Masky started to fall in love with Alex. And he hated it. He hated that he was being allowed access to Tim's memories of college, when Alex was nicer and wasn't infected. When he was just a director in training trying to get his shitty student film done with his friends and slowly starting to snap along the way. He hated that the back of his mind told him that this ain't Alex's fault, that he didn't ask to be an asshole and didn't ask to be infected. That he was probably still nice and calm under all of the hatred he had built up around himself and this was all because of the infection getting to him and the creature that totheark, Masky's advisor, called 'The Operator' controlling him in most of his evil actions. That if he was the one in Alex's place, he would be the exact same way and his nicer side would be screaming under his built up anger and fear to be let out and see the light of day again. He hated the sympathy he had for Alex so much.

As time passed and things slowly started to get worse, Masky fell more and more in love with Alex. The small flashes of his old personality caught his eye and made his suspicions be confirmed. It wasn't helping that the road turned more narrower and it started to seem like that fate would play out how it meant to play out from the beginning no matter what Masky did. So, he did something drastic. Might as well do what he wants with this before fates closes its jaws on him and pulls him under to drown in the dark depths of the abyss that was the mess his body and the people around him were in.
Alex was going out into the woods outside of his house to do god knows what in the middle of the night when Masky decided to fully follow him. The masked male stayed hidden for most of the trek through the woods, being careful not to make too much noise and to stay out of sight of Alex's camera or his flashlight. He followed the glasses wearing male for about an hour and a half before actually coming out of hiding, trampling on dead leaves and branches as he went so that he would be noticed. Alex, not being an idiot, fully turned around, shining his flashlight towards Masky and putting his camera.

   "Who the fuck are you?!" He cursed, his voice already filled with rage. Masky, flinching at the sudden bright light from the other's flashlight, covered his eyes and dashed towards Alex. The glasses wearing male barely moved out of the way in time, causing Masky to stumble and almost fly face first into a tree. Alex let out a soft snarl-like sound and rushed over to smack the other on the back of the head with his flashlight before Masky quickly turned and shoved Alex down to the forest floor, his weight going with him in a simple tackle. Alex immediately started to squirm, trying to get Masky off of where he was now basically pinned. He tried to hit the other again but only accomplished in flailing, staring up at Masky with narrowed eyes.

   "Get off or I'll fucking kill you!" He hissed. Masky didn't look too impressed.
   "Try me, bitch." He stated coldly and Alex's eyes flashed in slight confusion and recognization, probably of Tim's voice. He didn't have time to react to the flash, he was busy lifting his mask up and kissing Alex on the lips suddenly. The male under his froze completely for a few moments and, to Masky's shock, kissed back.

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