You Know that You're Toxic (Desire Demon AU)

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(I've always wanted to write a one shot story talking about this AU I helped created and I finally decided to do it.

So, here ya go. The rundown/backstory of the Desire Demon AU, an AU made by Smol_Tommo and I.

Oh, and, this AU does have a ship in it. So count this as a Habinny shot I guess.)

Habit was a demon who was known for being greedy. No one knew where he originated from and no one truly knew his real intentions. On the outside, he looked like a sadistic demon who wished to murder left and right and cause humans suffering. A bit under that, he claimed his goal was to murder the creature he used to be a partner to and save everyone's souls that it had owned. Yet, even under that, he seemed to do that for his own personal gain somehow. He was mysterious to say the least; he went hopping from timeline to timeline, preferring to stay in the body of one of the owned souls, Evan, and murder as he pleased. Yet, somehow, despite all of this, Vinny fell for him.
At first, he was terrified of the demon. He felt horrible for his best friend, who was now trapped behind the wall of purple mist that was Habit taking over his body. He longed for the demon to leave or get his murder spree over with. Slowly, he realized that, to achieve his goal, Habit needed him by his side and willing to pay attention. So, he reluctantly allied himself with the purple demon, calling him his partner. When he gained this title, though, he learned something that honestly surprised him. Habit almost acted like a human around him. Sure, he still had his murderous intentions, short temper, and all over the place attitude, but he seemed to show a bit of a softer side at times. He showed how passionate he was about achieving his goal, how relieved he felt that the constant timeline jumps would finally be over, how happy he was Vinny was actually complying with his plan so far. Vinny fell for this side; the determined demon who wanted a break from the chaos that was the iteration based timelines.

Though, maybe that was a side effect of Vinny's mind slipping from sanity. Near isolation from the outside world was getting to him. The guilt of everything that had happened to him and his friends smacked him hard every time his mind wandered to his past. Habit tried to help but he knew the human was a bit too far gone. Falling for said demon seemed to even make it worse, for Vinny started to try and act more like Habit.
When Habit would leave to go murder or 'check in' on one of his trial rabbits, Vinny begged him to let him follow. Habit was, at first, perplexed by this, but allowed Vinny to come along. It almost scared him how intently Vinny watched the murders, studying Habit's torturous ways and killing methods as if he were studying a text book for a final test in high school. Habit slowly got used to it, being surprised once again when Vinny started to ask if he could help.

The more Vinny worked with Habit, the more his mind slipped. The more he fell for the demon, the more he became less human. He became a cold blooded, psychotic murderer like Habit was, staying as his partner in true crime. They even started a relationship, even if there was no confessions, no words of feelings. A blood stained yet passionate love just seemed to blossom out of nowhere and stayed burning throughout the timeline. After months, even years, of Vincent murdering with Habit and staying with him, Vinny asked him a seemingly random question out of no where one night.

The two had finished killing one of Habit's failed rabbits from his set of trials. Habit was cleaning up the mess the two had made while Vinny cleaned off the machete his lover had used to finish the job with a bloody rag. Without looking up from the weapon, Vinny spoke.
   "Habit?" He asked, a small hum in his voice. "How did you become a demon?"

   Habit was taken aback by this. Vinny never asked about his past, yet here he was. Asking out of left field. He paused in his work and looked over to his bloody lover, a brow raised.
"I said, how did you become a demon?"
Habit gulped.
".... I made a deal with the devil." Was all he replied with. Vinny hummed and nodded.
"Can I make a deal with the devil?" The human finally looked over at Habit, who had frozen in place in shock, his wide purple eyes staring at him. He smiled softly. "I'm being serious."
   "I know you are. And I can't tell if I hate that or not."

   Habit made him a simple deal. Immortality and being outside of the timelines for the other staying by his side, simply. Almost like a marriage arrangement. Vinny immediately agreed, promising Habit he would stay by him, as that was the reason he wanted this in the first place. So, with a simple handshake and a deathly slice, Habit was taken back to the Candleverse in his true form; a large, lavender furred demon on four legs with large claws, four purple eyes, sharp fangs, horns, bat-like ears, spikes on his shoulders, a fluffy tail, and six spider legs that came out of his back, now with his new companion besides him.
   Vinny no longer looked like himself, now one of Habit's kind. His soul was no longer that of a human, but that of a demon. He looked like Habit's real self, a furred demon with four eyes, bat-ears, and a tail, yet he was a pastel pink color instead of a lavender color, and his eyes were hot pink with small hearts reflecting in them. Magenta spots ran down his back in the shapes of hearts, his stomach and inner thighs a lighter color than his fur. He had four magenta and hot pink striped horns atop his head, smaller, yet needle-like teeth filled his mouth, and he had no spider based limbs coming from his back. As Habit looked him over, he spoke up.

   "What do you want to be called from now on?" He asked. The pink demon looked at him for a moment.
   "Desire. For what got me in this form in the first place."

(Sorry if there were any mistakes, I'll go through this later and proof read)

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