What Does the Future Hold? (Jaylex)

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(So, my friend her0001 wanted me to write some Jaylex fluff, and I had an idea last night so why not write about it?

Have some fluffy fluff.

This takes place in the mostly cannon timeline, but the only difference is that Tim never teamed up with Jay and Alex isn't always being under the Operator's influence. This resulted in Alex teaming up with Jay after Jay found him originally. They're just on the run together from a monster.)

Jay sighed, leaning back in the cheap wooden chair the hotel room came with. He had been sitting at the small table in the corner of the room for almost two hours now, going through some of the things totheark has recently decided to sent him to help him and Alex try and escape this whole mess. He set his phone down and looked over his shoulder. Alex, his boyfriend, sat on the hotel bed, scrolling through tv channels lazily. His eyes were half lidded and Jay could tell he was tired just by watching his slower than normal movements. He shifted a bit in the chair, making it squeak irritably. Alex looked over instantly at him, raising a brow.
"What?" He asked. Jay shrugged a bit.
"You seem tired. You should probably sleep..."
"Nah, I'm fine without sleeping. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to sleep without you sleeping besides him." Alex hummed back with a small smile. Jay rolled his eyes.
"Alex, I'm an insomniac. You know that. And I still have to decode all of this." He sighed, picking up a journal he had, showing Alex a page full of codes he had written down that still needed to be deciphered. Alex shrugged.
"It's not like those things are going to disappear in a few hours. Plus, you really do need sleep.... you're the one with bags under your eyes." Jay groaned, knowing he couldn't win this fight. He got up from the chair, closing the journal and putting it and his phone by his backpack, since he knew they would leave this hotel in the morning and be on the road again. Alex seemed to be destined on heading northeast from Alabama, since they hadn't left the state yet. Jay was just going along with it, thinking hit instinct was the best thing they could follow other than totheark's cryptic clues that rarely came knocking on their door.

Jay sat down on the hotel bed, staring at the tv for a moment before Alex turned it off. Jay watched him out of the corner of his eye as the other male took his glasses and striped hoodie off, flopping backwards with a loud, almost fake, yawn. Alex flashed Jay a small smile and Jay couldn't help but giggle softly, taking his cap and jacket off before laying down next to Alex. Alex wrapped an arm around the smaller male before turning the bedside lamp off. He shuffled to get comfortable and Jay nuzzled his face into Alex's t-shirt once he had stopped. Alex chuckled at that, wrapping his other arm around Jay tightly and protectively. The two stayed quiet for a moment, but, just when Alex thought Jay was falling asleep, the other spoke up, effectively breaking the ice cold silence around the two lovers.
"Do you think we're gonna be ok?"

   Alex had to pause for a moment, thinking about Jay's question before responding.
   "Well, yeah, of course I do. We came this far, right?"
   "You're not wrong, but just..." Jay sighed softly. "I have a bad feeling about all of this."
   "Come on, Jaybird." Alex patted Jay's back gently. "Don't think like that. We'll be fine, ok? Or, at least, you'll be fine." The glasses wearing male leaned his head more into his pillow. "If anything gets dicy, I want you to get out of it and leave me behind, ok? I would kill myself if anything happened to you." He sighed. Jay made a small, uncomfortable sound as he moved in his spot.
   "I mean..."
   "Don't even start, Jay." Alex groaned. "Just listen to what I said, please." He could nearly feel it, but there was a slight nod from Jay. Alex closed his eyes at that, relaxing a bit more than he had been.
   "But I doubt that'll happen." Alex didn't want tension to build between them. "We'll be fine. We're leaving his state and maybe that thing won't even follow us. Maybe we'll find someone who's been through the same thing and knows how to get through it, or something." Alex muttered to Jay. "We'll be fine for now, at least.. we're making good progress, that thing hasn't shown up in a few days and we're on the run. I have enough money saved up to at least get to New Jersey or something." Alex hummed. Jay nodded again, a bit stronger this time, and nuzzling against Alex again, moving up to bury his face into the crook of the other's neck. Alex smiled at that, tightening his grip around the smaller male.
   "Don't worry about what the future has in store for us, Jay. Please don't. We need to worry about right here and right now, and that's it. And, right now, there's nothing to worry about. So don't stress yourself." Alex whispered to the other, moving back for a moment to peck the top of Jay's head. Jay giggled in the darkness before snuggling back up to Alex.
   "Alright... I believe you." Jay muttered.
   "Good. Now get some sleep."
   "If you say so... night, Alex." Jay hummed. "I love you."
   "Night. And love you too, Jaybird." Alex cooed.

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