I'm Sorry, Jaybird (Jaylex)

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(Here, have some Jaylex angst because I can. I wrote this to just get an actual shot out in this book, I guess.

Uh, AU where Alex and Jay were dating during the shooting of Marble Hornets and never broke up when Alex moved away/when the YouTube series actually happened.)

Alex stumbled out of his car, ignoring the cold downpour of rain that hit him and drenched his hair and striped blue jacket. All he did was groan in annoyance and push his glasses up more as the car door slammed behind him. He walked slowly down the muddy path, dead quiet as he kept his head down. He knew he only had a matter of days to live, so he decided to visit this place for the first and last time.
Memories flashed across his mind numbly as he walked, only fully hitting him when he stopped in the grass in front of a stone. A gravestone. One with the name 'Jay Merrick' on it's front. And the memories hit Alex hard, to the point where it hurt him physically and he crumpled onto his knees. He could feel hot tears mix with the cold rain going down his cheeks as he brushed his wet hair out of his eyes. He looked at the gravestone again, not caring that he could barely see out of his water splattered glasses. He gripped the grass at his sides and let tears silently fall through gritted teeth.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." Alex muttered softly, barely being heard over the rain. "I'm so sorry, my little jaybird..." he muttered again, more tears coming out as he uttered the nickname he had given Jay years ago before everything had happened. Before everything went to complete and utter shit.

A memory as fresh as the rain falling around Alex flashed into his broken mind. He was warm, not wet and cold like he was in the rain, and Alex could have sworn that he was actually there. He was in a chair, hunched over, looking down at a typed script for his old project, Marble Hornets. He looked over to see Jay with his cheek against the table, snoring softly. Without controlling himself, Alex reached over and flicked Jay's cheek, making the snoring cut off abruptly.
"Wha?" Jay's tired voice rose up from his open mouth.
"You're tired. Go to bed."
"But I'm script supervisor..." Jay trailed off, almost snoring again before Alex got up, his chair moving back with a scraping sound as the legs rubbed against the tile of his floor.
"Bed. Now." Alex stated, his voice cold, but Jay knew that he only cared about his health. The male nodded and got up slowly as Alex walked over to him, hands on his shoulders as he guided his smaller boyfriend to the bedroom that they frequently shared in Alex's home. Jay chuckled tiredly and leaned his head on the taller male's shoulder halfway there.
"Love you.." he could hear Jay barely utter. Alex smiled.
"Love you, too, Jaybird."

Before Alex could even think straight, another flash filled his mind and, this time, he stood in a parking lot on a sunny day in front of the forest that he knew too well at Rosswood Park. He stared into the trees before hearing a car park near him and a door open. Without anything else heard, he felt someone's arms wrap tightly around him, which almost scared him. Yet, he knew who it was and stood mostly straight, a smile crossing his blank expression as he closed his tired eyes.
"Jay..." he muttered as the person behind him buried his face into the back of his jacket.
"Alex... I've been worried sick for the past months... why haven't you contacted me?" Alex could barely hear Jay's muffled voice as his grip tightened around him. "Why didn't you tell me what was going on? I could have helped, I..."
"Shhh... Jay, it's ok." Alex turned around when the other let go and looked up at him. He flinched when he saw tears forming in Jay's eyes. "I just didn't want you hurt or involved in something that could kill you..."
"Too late, then." Jay muttered before Alex hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "I'm helping you get to the bottom of this. To stop this 'Operator' guy from hurting us. I love you." Alex wanted to say that it was too late, that Jay's efforts would be wasted for he was already under the faceless monster's control. But, the words got stuck in his throat as he gripped Jay's back with one hand and the other reached up to stroke the male's fluffy hair as he buried his face into the taller's chest.
".... love you too. No matter what." He muttered.

Alex's tears came down faster now and he looked down, hands on the ground now in front of the gravestone of his dear lover. His glasses had fallen into the grass below and rain beat down hard on his back, but he didn't care anymore. One more memory decided to pop up, and this one twisted his heart the hardest it had ever been twisted in his life.

Jay stood down the hallway from Alex, a camera pointed at him and a terrified look on his face. Alex knew the place was the old, abandoned college building that Tim and Jay had went to for clues as to where he was. The male couldn't control any part of his body at all, he was a complete puppet to the Operator now. He had a cold expression on, a pistol in his hand as he raised it at Jay. The man he had loved ever since high school, the one he had spent countless nights with, the one he wanted to marry someday, was at the other end of the gun, terrified. Alex was screaming on the inside, mentally begging and pleading for the Operator, his master, not to do this. To take him instead, to let Jay go, anything. But no.
"Alex... Alex-" Jay looked like he was about to plead for his life against the one he would do anything for before Alex felt himself pull the trigger and a loud bang went through the entire building. Jay took a step back, gasping for air in pain and fear, gripping his side which was turning red with blood quickly. Alex had struck him and Jay was dying. Surprisingly, Alex felt his body come back to him and he dropped his pistol, tears instantly leaking from his eyes.
"No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Alex screamed, running over to the bleeding Jay, who was trying to stumble away from Alex and into another room.
"Alex... don't... don't..."
"I won't hurt you, Jay! I'm so sorry! Oh my god, we need to get you to a hospital!" Alex was fully crying now, crying more than he had ever cried in his life. He watched his precious boyfriend crumble in the corner of the room, gripping his side as blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth. Alex heard static in his ears and ran over to Jay, kneeling besides him and putting pressure on his wound.

"Jay, I didn't mean to! The Operator controlled me and.." Alex was cut off by Jay chuckling softly.
"I know, Alex... I know." He looked up at him with a faint expression. "I know you didn't mean to. I saw that look in your eyes. You weren't you." He coughed as the static grew in Alex's ears. He knew the monster was coming closer. He gripped onto Jay crying into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry, Jay... I didn't want it to be like this... I wanted this to be over... for us to have a normal life like we used to have... I love you so much..." Alex muttered. Jay smiled as Alex looked at him, crying more when he saw his eyelids drooping.
"I... love you too. Forever and always, Alex..." Jay muttered. Alex gulped and kissed the other for a moment before feeling him go limp in his arms. He slowly pulled away and started crying even more.
"Jay?! Jaybird?! Merrick, wake up!" He shook Jay hard, but he didn't do a thing. He heard more static fill his ears as he lost control of his body, standing up shakily.
It's all your fault
"No... no it's not, this is all YOUR fault!" Alex screamed at the voice in his head, having slight control again.
He's dead because of you. You brought me to him.
"NO! You were the one who haunted us! You could have left us alone!" Alex sobbed as his vision turned to colored static. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Jaybird!" He screamed out before his vision corrupted itself and the world went black.

Alex gripped the grass harder, feeling as if his heart was breaking in two again. Like part of himself was buried deep into the ground beneath him. The male cried loudly against the rain and looked at the gravestone.
"I love you, Jay... I'll always love you no matter what..." he stated, his voice breaking. "And I know what happens next. None of us get happy endings... you're dead, Brian is dead, Amy is dead, Jessica is probably dead, Seth is dead..." He trialed off for a moment and looked at his belt buckle. He had a gun holster there with the pistol he had used to kill Jay with and he grabbed it. "Tim's alive. And I've seen his videos. He's looking for me, Jaybird. He wants me dead for what I've done. And I want me dead, too. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to be a puppet anymore." Alex's voice shook as he sat back on his knees. He looked at the gun and, through his blurry vision, he could see that it was loaded. He grinned sadly and cocked the gun back before putting it up to his head with a shaky hand. He looked at the gravestone. "So, I'll do the favor for him so that he doesn't have to get blood on his hands. I love you, Jay. Forever. And I don't care if I go to hell or heaven, I'll see you one way or another." He stated, smiling again, weaker this time, before he pulled the trigger, another gunshot rang out through the graveyard, and Alex Kralie went down into the grass in front of Jay Merrick's gravestone, blood pooling under his head wound where the bullet had gone through his skull.

(I'm not gonna lie, I'm used to angst, but this, for some reason, made me cry while I was writing it)

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