Another Jaylex shot

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(I'm sorry I ship these guys a lot and I don't know what else to write.

Anyways, I felt pretty depressed and wanted to read some fluff-fics on these two over on AO3 but all of them are feelsy or have Alex being a complete asshole to Jay so I asked my gf for an idea.

She said to me, and I quote, 'the asshole gets hurt and the bean is like 'OH NOES' and helps him out and is all nice and shit and the asshole is an asshole but keeps on thinking 'OH SHIT. OH NO. HES SO CLOSE. I BET IM BLUSHING. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN! JESUS HES CUTE. AM I GAY? OH LORD IM GAY!''

That's the best prompt ever so I decided to write it out.

Enjoy the rare Jaylex fluff~)

Alex groaned and stumbled over his own two feet, grinning his arm tightly as to not let the blood seem out of his stab wound. He had been unlucky and met Tim and Brian, or, excuse me, Masky and Hoodie, in the woods. Since they thought he had a gun on him or because he was still a massive prick, they tackled him and Masky had stabbed the shit out of his arm while Hoodie kicked him multiple times in the stomach. He had gotten away once the Operator showed up and now he was limping away from Rosswood Park and to the motel room that his friend, Jay, was staying at for the time being.
As he stumbled up to the door and knocked, he groaned in pain, having to move his hurt arm to knock on the door correctly, cursing under his breath that he had let himself get hurt so easily. After a moment, the door opened to reveal Jay; the only thing that had changed about him over the past days or so from last seeing him was the new bags under his eyes. He took one quick look, seeing Alex's blood going through his fingers and tricking down his sleeve and onto the floor, and quickly ushered him inside in a panicked voice. Alex slowly followed instructions, walking in and turning to the left in the short hallway to reach the bathroom. Jay imminently told Alex to take his jacket off, which he did, and ran out, coming back in with a first aid kit that he had in his suitcase. Alex was dead quiet as Jay threw the box open and started to pull supplies out.

"So... what happened?" Jay asked as he started to clean out Alex's wound, making him flinch, but not react much to the stinging sensation other than that.
"Masked bitch and hooded cuck came after me." Alex explained. Jay looked confused and Alex groaned softly in annoyance. "The gays." Jay still looked confused and Alex facepalmed with his good arm. "Tim and Brian! Masky and Hoodie!"
"... oh ok." Jay nodded and went back to cleaning Alex's wound.
"God, you're a fucking idiot sometimes."
"I suggest not saying that to the guy who's patching your wound up." Jay muttered angrily. Alex just shifted and rolled his eyes.
   "Yeah, whatever.." Jay sighed and went quiet, going back to fixing his wound up.

   As Alex sat there, waiting for Jay to finish dressing his wound, he couldn't help but notice something. Jay had gone quiet again and his expression for Alex's insult had faded like he had never said anything. He looked worried now, keeping his eyes on Alex's wounded arm as he started to wrap bandages around it tightly. The taller male blinked, watching Jay closely.
Ya know, I never realized he was so cute... Alex through to himself before shaking his head gently to clear the thought away. Jay didn't seem to notice anything as Alex's thoughts drifted off again.

  It's kinda sweet how he followed me out here, just to make sure I'm ok.
  I didn't think he would help me after this.
Why didn't I notice how sweet he is before?
  Alex shook his head again, harder this time, catching Jay's attention as he finished bandaging his wound. The smaller male for up and put the first aid kit up, fixing the hat he wore on top of his head.
   "Are you ok?"
   "Yeah... uh... headache." Alex murmured, lying. Jay, surprisingly, fell for the lie and nodded.
   "Alright... well, I have some painkillers in my bag. Come out and lay down, I'll give you some. After that, you should sleep, you're probably weak from blood loss." Jay chimes and walked out of the bathroom as Alex stumbled to his feet, eyeing himself in the mirror for a moment. Surprisingly, the edges of his forehead where it met his hair was glistening with sweat, like he was nervous, and his cheeks were pink and heating up. He groaned in annoyance and shook his head again before trudging it of the bathroom and over to the hotel room's bed, promptly flopping face first onto it and groaning into the pillow.

  Fuck, I'm gay for Jay.

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