Only Mine (FireBIT)

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(Hey, I'm back. Sorry again for not updating for a bit, I had writer's block.

But, someone gave me an idea for this shot, so I thought why not go ahead and do it?

The prompt and ship was requested by EyesIlluminati. Thanks for that!

Oh, and, to the person who requested this: if you want I can definitely do an alternate ending for you if you don't like it.)

    Firebrand liked a few things about his powers, ever since he had gained them through being controlled by the Administrator. He liked the fire-like abilities he had, sure, and he liked the ability to hop timelines freely. The eyes he could sprout on his body slightly annoyed him at times, and his apprentice spooked others, but all of that was overlooked by his favorite attribute; only being half real in the current timeline he was in.
   The fact that none of his fingerprints lined up with anyone else's, not even Noah's, and the ability to teleport and not even look human were his favorite things. It allowed him to vent out frustration and fill the void he was given by the Administrator with a body count. Noah never got pinned as a suspect so the timeline could continue how it was meant to go, but Firebrand could kill without consequence. That was especially helpful with he fell for someone, and fell for them hard he did.

This being he had fallen in love with was HABIT, a purple demon with control over the Candleverse, the other main reality to the timelines. HABIT was extremely powerful, as powerful as the Administrator, if not possibly more. Originally, the two had met when Firebrand wanted to break free from his 'keeper's grasp and had started requesting help from powerful monsters to help him. HABIT was the only one willing to help if the Collective member agreed to being an ally on his side and helping stop the iterations from occurring. Firebrand agreed, wanting to stop his and Noah's own loop or torture, and the demon broke him free from his bonds, making him a rouge being with god-like powers.
The two didn't talk much, but they would chat here and there. HABIT would mostly talk about how much humans were a pain to deal with or his own plan to stop Slender, while Firebrand would either stay quiet and listen or put in his own two sense about the issues at hand. The two became mutual friends when HABIT was around and not off with Vinny doing god-knows-what. Firebrand didn't really care about that detail.

Firebrand had no idea how it happened, but suddenly he started to gain feelings for HABIT. Maybe it was being he looked up to him and how powerful he was. Maybe it was his quirky and happy attitude. Maybe it was that they both killed humans sometimes for sport. He didn't know, but he did. The rouge god didn't mind this, strangely. At least he was in love with someone who was on his side and not on the opposite side of the chess board.
   Though, he did have a problem, and it was a big one at that. He knew other entities and, hell, even humans who were willing to give HABIT their love. Firebrand couldn't have the demon he had his eyes on falling for someone else; he told himself that HABIT was his and only his, no one else's. So, from then on, Firebrand combined that with his slight want to kill humans for sport, thanks to the eldritch horror part of his corrupted soul. He would find the people who were in love with HABIT as well and kill them, making sure the demon didn't know.

   First, he started with simple viewers of the YouTube channel Vinny had put up who liked or, as Firebrand found out the internet called them, fangirls. They were simple to pick off, even boring to him, so he moved on to less powerful demons who hid themselves in society well. Firebrand stayed at that level, since he found it fun to rip the demons from their vessels and murder said bodies before crushing their own soul into pieces with his powers, all while keeping the small grin on his face that he almost always wore.
At the same time of doing this, he helped his past self, Noah, in fighting the Collective, showing him a few times that HABIT could help him and trying to nudge him towards getting used to the demon. Hey, if Firebrand's plans failed and Noah was turned into him, plus if he got another chance in the next timeline to win, he might as well show Noah that he might end up falling for the demon in his friend, Evan's, body.

Though, Firebrand never guessed that HABIT would ever figure out his yandere plans until one day, when he was at a victim's house. He had just recently murdered the owner of He house, and he was whistling a tune casually as he tried to move the body, which he had brutally beaten until he had broken its ribs, skull, and various other bones until it had stopped moving and breathing. As he hummed, he didn't realize that there was a certain demon watching from the window, since he had tracked the other there. The creature watching was curious as to what Firebrand was doing and decided to finally speak up after a moment of watching.

   "Firebrand?" The ex-Collective member jumped at the sudden call of his name, turning around. For once, his small grin was a frown and the white dots that were his eyes widened a bit in shock. His shadow-like body was covered in blood from his victim, and he was clutching a very bloody knife in his left hand. The person who had said his name was none other than the one he was killing for, HABIT, standing there with a slightly confused look on his face. He looked down at the bloody body of the victim behind Firebrand and seemed a bit intrigued. "What's going on?" He asked.
"Didn't know you liked killing too." HABIT interrupted with a small snicker and a grin. "What's your reasoning, huh? Snapping like me?"
"Well... it's something a bit... more than that." Firebrand took a few steps towards HABIT, who looked up at the taller 'demon' with a lazy smile and half lidded purple eyes. Firebrand thought for a moment before shoving HABIT against a nearby wall, causing the shorter male to look up at him with a confused expression.
"What's this for, buttercup?" HABIT asked in an almost teasing voice, while Firebrand tried to not freak out. He put on his normal grin and looked right at the demon he had trapped against the wall.
"Well, HABIT, I did this for you." Firebrand had a bit of a purr in his voice. "I've been killing people who are trying to manipulate you into loving them and protecting them. I've been saving you some trouble." He chuckled, causing HABIT to grin again.
"Aw, that's sweet as hell." The demon responded, his voice dipping down to his true voice. "Thanks, Brandy." He joked for a moment. Firebrand was surprised for a moment, before slowly leaning in for a kiss from the shorter demon.

"But, sorry." HABIT suddenly laughed. Firebrand gasped as he felt pain explode in his side and looked down at what the purple demon had done. He had a long hunting knife now shoved into his abdomen, causing the horrible burning pain. He looked back at HABIT, confusion in the small pinpricks he called eyes. The demon just grinned maniacally at him as he slid the blade out and shoved the old Collective member to the floor. He hooked the knife back onto his belt and laughed, his true voice dipping into it along with the scratchy version of Evan's voice.
"What..?" Firebrand asked before coughing harshly. HABIT kept laughing.
"Its really sweet and all, but sorry Brandy! I got my eyes on someone else, and I would much rather keep you away from him." HABIT trailed off with a grin as he turned. "See ya around! If you stay alive." The demon said to Firebrand, turning his head to blow a kiss at the shadow-like demon on the floor before leaving the house altogether.

Firebrand just laid there, bleeding and heartbroken, wondering who had already taken the heart he wanted to claim as his own.

(Sorry if there were any mistakes, I tried to catch them like always.

And, again, to the person who requested this, if you want me to write a different ending I definitely will, I just couldn't resist this idea I never see.)

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