I Can't Forgive You (Habinny)

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(I'm back, woo
The EMH update left a deep scar in my heart so why not make a shot based on it.

Heavy spoilers for 'All good things'.
Like real heavy, I'm gonna address this a lot.)

   Vinny didn't know what he was getting himself into.
   What started out as a seemingly fun project with his friends quickly down spiraled into his own twisted tale of monsters, death, and loss. The man went from being a confident, happy guy who always looked out for his close friends, to a broken shell of a human being with barely anything to loose.
   Yet, throughout this, he hung on. He hung onto his sanity like it was the last string he had to grab and he hopes for the best, pushing for it. No matter what, he pushed for that happy ending; the ending of killing the faceless monster that owned his soul and set himself and all of his friends free from it's grasp.

   And he almost did it.
   He could taste victory on the top of his tongue before it was ripped away.

   Oh god, why has he trusted that demon. The purple hellbent monster in his best friend's body who had started to promise him a good life, a demon who said he would support him and that he would change his ways.
   He has trusted this demon for the past two weeks, living with him normally again and gaining his trust quickly. Habit really did seem like he was changing. He seemed to be a little less all over the place, hell, even a little nicer than before. This stirred up so many memories for Vinny. Of past timelines and timeline leaks, where Habit and Vinny had stayed by each other's side throughout everything. Where Vinny would meet his dismiss alone and Habit would hold his dead body close before forcing himself to leave Evan's body and follow him to their afterlife; the Candleverse. It reminded him of timelines where he had loved the demon dearly, where he would be held tightly against the nightmares outside, where he felt so protected.
   He started to fall for the demon again and that was his huge fucking mistake.

   He knew this as soon as Habit started talking bullshit. Standing in front of the forest where Vinny's master lay, he ordered the human to kill Evan. The only thing he had left and Habit'a body. He had obviously refused, but that only made things worse. This made Habit mad; Vinny hadn't listened to him before and didn't listened to him now. So, what did he do?
   He lied.
   He lied to Evan, telling him that Vinny was the culprit for everything, not himself. That he put the cameras up and it wasn't the demon, which was the truth. If Vinny wasn't going to kill Evan to slip into pure madness and be able to fight the big bad stick-in-the-mud, he was going to force him to do it.

   Afterwards was a blur for Vinny. Evan and him kept throwing punches at each other, Evan tired to choke him, and Vinny had hit him a few times with a rock. Habit's tactic has worked. Vinny was backed into a corner, angry and confused as to why Evan was blaming him and trying to murder him in cold blood. He couldn't do anything else.
   Blinded by rage and betrayal, Vinny stabbed Evan in his side with the knife he had imprinted with the North Star symbol on it. Then, he picked up the gun Habit had given him, and shot Evan in the stomach. While Evan bled out against a tree, the male had picked up the knife and threw it, surprisingly slicing open the side of Vinny's neck.

   Slowly bleeding out, Vinny had pulled himself close to his best friend's body, the warmth draining from him quickly. All he could do was mutter his apologies and lean against Evan while the light faded from his own eyes and he followed close after the other.
   He knew he had failed.

   When Vinny had woken up, he was in a place he knew well by now. The Candleverse. It was dark out, like it always was, and the stars shone brightly with the street lights. He was by the area that looked like his own street, cutting his heart open and reminding him of the timeline he had just went through. Slowly, he stumbled along the sidewalk,gripping the end of his shirt in pain that he could still feel in the side of his neck. As he stumbled, he looked around. He looked around for Evan, for Jeff, for anyone he knew. He needed to see them. He needed to see them before the timeline reset. He needed to apologize to Evan.
   Though, Evan wasn't the first face he saw. He had stopped dead in his tracks, hearing the scraping of claws against the blacktop of the street, and he turned around as quickly as he could to face the demon that he now recognized in his true form. A large, lavender colored, fur covered demon with spider legs sprouting from his back, four purple eyes, and horns preached atop his head. His mind instantly registered this creature as Habit and he scowled.

   For a moment, he saw all the flashes again. Of trust in this demon and warmth in his normally cold gaze. Love where he would never expect it to be; beating in the chest of this creature. But he quickly forgot them, forcing them away and backing away when Habit began to speak in the dark, demonic tone he had heard Evan's voice glitch to sometimes under his possession.

   "Vincent." Habit spoke, talking a pawstep forwards whenever Vinny backed up an extra step. "You know it's me."
   "So?" Vinny asked, realizing how confident he sounded against Habit now. He felt like he could take this demon head on, rage building in his lungs again and seizing his heart.
   "You didn't listen." Habit shook his head. "This is not my fault, don't blame it on me."
   "It is your fault, Habit." Vinny hissed through gritted teeth. "You did this. You lied to Evan. YOU MADE ME KILL MY CLOSEST FUCKING FRIEND." He screamed suddenly, tightening his hands into fists as Habit looked at him. "I'm fucking done. I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore. I'll find a way to stop this monster on my OWN. I don't need you. I'm the Everyman, as you've told me before. I'm a powerful soul. I can do this without you." He stated coldly, turning around and starting to leave in search of his friends.


   Habit, meanwhile, scoffed. He was a bit hurt from Vinny's harsh words, but he grinned anyways.
   "That's what you think." Habit stated under his breath. "You'll need me soon enough. I don't need forgiveness." He growled, staying where he sat on he street, watching Vinny walk away, his tail flicking.

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