'Harmless' Pranks (Observer x Noah)

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(Decided to do another shot while I wait for requests.

I don't care that the characters are OOC in this shot- I just did this for fun and because I like this ship.)

Noah yawned tiredly as he sat on his bed, looking at his laptop. His eyes were half lidded with sleepiness, yet he didn't want to sleep. No, it wasn't his paranoia or nightmares, it was because he didn't want to chance falling asleep around his new 'roommates', if you could call them that. Ever since things had started to die down with the Collective hunting Noah down, two little gang members decided to chill in his house, finding enjoyment in his company. Now, Noah living in his Florida home with Firebrand, his future version or alternate version, he still couldn't decide which one, and the Observer fuck who followed him around in the first place. If anything, these two had turned mildly annoying. Firebrand was almost always gone but would come back at night, most of the time, or just to make sure Observer wasn't doing anything like tying Noah up and trying to strangle him. Which had actually happened once when he got back.
Why didn't he want to fall asleep around the two? Well, because Observer was a prankster and Firebrand didn't do anything to prevent him from prancing Noah while he slept like draw on him and push him into a cold ice bath or something like that. So, Noah was back to his normal insomniac ways and didn't let the Observer near his room when he was tired. Yet, still, the 'proxy', as some people were starting to call him on Noah's Twitter, found ways to get into Noah's room and spy on him, wether it be from his symbols or from the laptop the college guy owned.

Noah let out another loud yawn and looked at his laptop, refreshing the page he was on. Of course, he was on Twitter, checking to make sure that everything was ok, when the screen reloaded and a message popped up that he hadn't posted.
Noah groaned loudly in annoyance and typed his own message.
Dude, stop hacking into my goddamn twitter. You're on the couch, I could just walk out and smack you with my phone.

Noah blinked tiredly. "Alright, if it's a fight he wants, a fight he'll get..." he muttered and stood up, stretching. He shuffled out of his dark room and into the living room, looking out of a window as he passed it. He stopped, blinking in confusion now. He could have sworn that it was three pm a moment ago, yet it was pitch black outside. He pulled his phone out and wasn't very surprised when he saw that it was now six twenty-two pm.
He looked over his shoulder, almost jumping when his bedroom door slammed to a close. He looked at his phone again, shoving it into his pocket as he marched down the hallway. He grabbed his doorknob and threw the door open, not seeing anything. He heard a laugh behind him and turned around to hear the door slam closed again and he was greeted with an empty hallway. Noah growled in annoyance.
"Come on, you fucker! Stop playing this stupid ass game and show yourself!" He hissed loudly, his voice echoing throughout the mostly empty house. The door slowly creaked open and he turned around quickly, shoving himself into his bedroom again. He looked around, turning on a light switch since it was still off. Not seeing anyone or anything or if place, he slowly walked back to his computer, thinking his tormenter was done for now and would go back to do whatever he was doing on the couch.

Noah sat back down in front of his computer, happy to see that the messages were deleted from his page and no more had been posted. He closed the tab and looked at his desktop blankly, listening for anything. He screeched and fell backwards onto his bed when his screen glitched out, then turned completely black like a tv loosing its power. He watched the screen with wide eyes as a very sketched out version of the words 'I can see you' showed up in white lettering appeared on it and the s crossed eye symbol that had haunted his life for so many years appeared with a realistic eye in the center, looking around wildly before landing on Noah himself and blinking a few times. The male had his mouth open in a silent scream before he felt hands placed on his shoulders and a scream finally escaped his mouth and he scrambled away whatever had grabbed him. He was now cornering on the corner of his bed, trying to catch his breath as he faced what was behind him.
He instantly started to calm down when he saw a completely black figure with white boxes covering his eyes and white grin. He sighed loudly out of relief and fell onto his side pulling his knees close to his chest as he tried not to cry out of fear of what had just happened. He watched the shadowy figure's grin slowly turn into a frown as he crawled over to him.
"Noahareyouok?" He asked, so quickly that the words seemed to turn into one word he was speaking, yet Noah could tell what sentence he was saying.
"No, you asshole! You scared me to death!" Noah growled, then curled up tighter. "You haven't done that in so long..."
"I'msorry." The Observer blinked, his voice full of sympathy and worry. He gently placed a hand on Noah's side, making him flinch hard at that. The Observer sighed and sat in front of him, petting his side gently as to calm him down. Noah buried his face into his arms and into the soft blanket of his bed as the Observer slowed his petting to a stop and he just sat back, looking at the crumbled up man in front of him. "Reallyimsorry." He spoke again. "Ididntmeantoscareyousobadly." He stayed. Noah nodded a bit and wiped his eyes before sitting up.
"It's... fine. Don't do that again, ok?" He smiled softly as the Observer nodded, smiling back.
"Ofcourseiwont. Ireallydidntmeantospookyousobadly." He put a hand on his shoulder as Noah nodded. The Observer's wide grin returned through the blackness of his form and he lunged forwards, hugging Noah tightly. The other male was surprised for a bit and sat there, not knowing what to do, before slowly hugging the shadow figure back and sighing softly, closing his eyes. Without thinking, he nuzzled his face into the Observer's shoulder, making the shadow figure freeze up for a moment before his grip tightened around him.

"LetsjusthopethatFirebranddoesntcomehomeearly,huh? Wouldhateforhimtoseeuslikethis,hispastversionhugginghisoldtormenter." The Observer joked as Noah let out a soft chuckle.
"If he's me, I feel like he would already know. But whatever."

(Sorry if there are any mistakes)

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