Just a Bad, Bad Dream (VinVan)

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(So my friend decided to watch the last EMH update too so I'm gonna write some fluff for him to recover from this.

So uh. Here ya go her0001. Hope this is fluffy enough, Max, lmao.)

   Vinny had been twitching and constantly moving around in his light sleep on the couch for quite some time now, suddenly waking up with a cold sweat and his eyes wide in terror. Proceeding to freak out and fall off of the couch, actually screaming, it imminently alerted Evan, who poked his head in from the kitchen doorway, a brow raised at the figure of the male basically having a major panic attack on the floor, but was quickly calming down the more his eyes searched the walls and furniture of the living room. Evan now stood fully in the doorway, watching Vinny get to his feet slowly, shaking wildly.
   "Uh, Vin?" He suddenly spoke, almost scaring the soul of of Vinny's body. "What's wrong? I didn't burn anything this time, I swear..." he was cut off by Vinny falling back onto the couch as he walked over, taking a seat next to the hyperventilating male.

   A few minutes of silence passed between the two, Evan not taking his eyes off of Vinny's form. He knew the other would just freak out more if he touched him or held him during this type of situation, so he didn't even bother; just waiting until it was over. Slowly, Vinny caught his breath again and looked at Evan, his eyes still wide and wild like he had seen a thousand demons in his sleep. Evan slowly nudged his body closer to Vinny's, looking up at the taller male with a look of confusion.
   "Bad dream?" He asked, guessing that off of the top of his head. Vinny has been having those frequently, so it came as no surprise to him when Vinny just nodded and gulped in response to him. Evan had nodded back, wrapping an arm slowly and carefully around Vinny, like if he did one wrong move or moved too quickly, Vinny would freak out and fall into another panic attack. He successfully got it around the other's back, sighing softly in relief.
   "Wanna talk about it?" He asked. Vinny was quiet for a long moment before starting to mutter a bunch of random things off of the top of his head. Evan couldn't hear a lot of it, but could catch random words Vinny was saying; 'Habit', 'knife', 'punched', 'choked', 'stabbed', 'shot', and 'threw' came out the most prominently out of the mutters and caught Evan's attention. These words confused him, made him wonder what exactly happened in Vinny's nightmare, yet something stirred in him and told him he knew exactly what he was talking about. Like he could remember what Vinny had seen, like it wasn't a nightmare. He quickly shook of the feeling off, rolling his eyes at himself before pulling the taller male close to him, making him lean against him. Vinny had flinched at this but slowly relaxed against Evan, wrapping his arms quickly and tightly around him, almost squeezing him. Evan made a small sound but didn't complain, wrapping his other arm around Vinny with a small chuckle.

   "Damn, really want to crush me, huh?"
   "Just... just shut up for a moment, please." He heard Vinny mutter into his shirt and Evan nodded.
   "Alright." He muttered, barely a whisper, as he leaned his head against Vinny's and closed his eyes. His arms never left the other, holding him tightly as Vinny pushed his face against Evan's shoulder, slowly calming down. Evan could hear his heartbeat slow to a normal pace and his breathing became steady and not jagged. Evan made another sound as Vinny fell over more, effectively trapping the smaller male under him. Just as Evan started to ask him what the hell he was doing, he heard soft snores coming from the other, and he sighed.
   "Ok, you're actually trying to crush me..." he muttered, knowing the sleeping male couldn't hear him. To the best of his ability, he moved Vinny a bit to get in a more comfortable position, but he kept his grip on the other and buried his face into the other's fluffed up black hair, relaxing as he closed his eyes again.

   "Ya know what, I'm fine with this." He muttered, tracing his left pointer finger along Vinny's spine slowly. For a moment, he remembered what he had repressed for a moment, and it came to him in a very quick flash. A vision, him having a bloody stomach, Vinny leaning against him like he had been a moment ago, whispering apologies softly to him as his vision faded to blackness, then immodestly was brought back to the present. He chuckled lightly to himself, shaking his head. He told himself he was going crazy; it was only a bad dream.
   In moments, he was fast asleep with Vinny tightly in his arms.

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