Won't Pick Up (Mo x Lee)

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(There needs to be more fanfics or shots or fan art for this ship god damn it, it's so under-appreciated.)

   Lee's eyes lazily watched the road as he drove down the darkened path. He was acutely aware that the radio was playing music lightly, but he didn't even bother to register what the song was or what it was about. He had been driving for about an hour now and he was tired after what had happened. He was getting back home from a little visit to the weirdest pocket dimension he had ever seen, even weirder than the place he liked to call 'Purgatory' that he had visited here and there. He had gone there to look for the author of the human skin journal he had, Linnie, who told him some vague information about his destiny in being a carrier and how his dagger was trying to attach itself to the other six carriers. Now it was night and Lee was just going to go home and tell Mo, his boyfriend who had been helping him through this whole mess, what he had learned and what he knew he needed to do.
   Speaking of the brawny male passing Lee's tired mind, the black haired male grabbed his phone from his pocket. He needed to call Mo ahead of time and tell him he as coming home, probably. Mo had wanted to go with him, but Lee has told him to stay home and watch over the cultist leader they had locked up in their basement; Sean, one of Lee's old friends. He sighed as the phone rang on speaker once he had punched his boyfriend's number in, waiting a bit.

   After about 30 seconds of waiting, the phone went to Mo's voicemail. Lee raised a brow at that, but just decided to leave him a message, guessing the other was in the shower or talking to Sean or something.
"Hey, Mo, it's me. I'm heading home, so I'll be there soon." Was all he said before hanging up the call and focusing back on driving again.

Another while passed and Lee was getting more and more close to his home. He decided to try Mo's cell phone again, only to be put on the message system again. He sighed, saying into the phone that he was getting close to the house and asked the other if he wanted him to pick anything up before he got back.

Third time's the charm, Lee thought when he called Mo again some twenty minutes later. Once again, he was sent to the message machine, but by now Lee was turning down his street. He had called Mo's phone again thanks to this weird gnawing feeling he had in his stomach, and he didn't like the fact that the other male didn't pick up again to put the cherry on the fucked up cake.
"Ok, Mo, pick up your phone, dude." Lee said, turning again. "You're actually starting to scare me." He said before hanging the call up. After two more minutes or so, Lee has reached his house and parked the car outside, not even bothering to pull into his own driveway. He grabbed his phone and his camera, which had been sitting on the seat next to him, recording the whole drive, and got out, looking through the darkness of the New Jersey street towards his house. Only to see his front door was wide open.

   This instantly sent Lee into a panic; open doors never meant anything good. He ran through his front lawn, camera tightly in hand as he started to hyperventilate. He stepped into his house, looking around the darkened rooms.
  "Hello?" He called out desperately into the empty house. "Mo? Sean? Anyone?!" He called out, his heart picking up speed as he rushed around, looking for any sign of life. He checked every single room only to find them all empty of life, then ran down the stairs to his basement, wondering if they were down there.
   He innocently regretted stepping into the basement, as the smell of blood and death smacked him right in the face, almost making him double over and vomit on the stairs. He turned on the light shakily, keeping his camera down as he rushed down the stairs. He stopped halfway and poked his head down to look, actually choking back a gag at what he witness. He had to look away and plug his nose, choking back tears.

   He hadn't seen Mo, but Sean was definitely down there. Ripped to pieces from where he was tied up, his blood and guts spilling onto the floor of the basement. Obviously that creature that was after Lee had done this, and that scares the hell out of the black haired male as he ran back up the stairs, slamming the basement door closed behind him. He leaned against the door, a hand over his mouth as he tried to regain himself. He still hadn't found his boyfriend, but he supposed he was killed as well by that creature. Maybe it took his body to taunt Lee later on, he thought, closing his eyes as he started to sob into his hands. He shouldn't had left, or he should have taken Mo with him, he told himself. This was a disaster.

When Lee finally thought he was somewhat ok, at least enough to move and get the hell out of that house, he heard something creak. He froze, eyes widening. What if that was the Speaker? Had it come back to take him as well? Had this all been in vain? His eyes snapped over to what was making the sound, a locked closet that he hadn't checked in. The skinny male stayed frozen in his spot as he watched something bash against the door from the inside, accepting his fate and flinching harshly when the door was finally pushed open, expecting to hear the horrific dog-like creature whispering to him and lunge to attack him.
Instead, he wasn't attacked. He felt something tackle him hard enough to shove him against the wall. Sure, but he didn't feel the creature's thin skin, boney composure, or smell blood. Instead, he felt two human arms wrap tightly around him and was instantly pushed face first into the familiar feeling thin fabric of a tank top covering large muscles. Lee instantly knew who this was and he felt like he was having a heart attack as he wrapped his arms around the taller figure.

"You fucking idiot!" Lee screamed into the chest of the taller male, who he knew as his boyfriend. "You scared the fucking hell out of me! I thought you were dead!" He suddenly became very aware of the fact that he was crying, tears of relief slipping out of his eyes swiftly. He felt Mo's arms tighten around him.
   "I thought I was going to die, too." He said, his voice surprisingly a bit shaky. "Those fucking cultists came and I barely had time to hide. God, Lee, I could hear them taunting Sean downstairs... I could hear his screams from that creature ripping him open. I had to lock myself in that closet so that the thing didn't find out I was here too..." he explained. Lee nodded, sniffling hard as he hugged Mo tightly.

   The two stayed like that for a while before Mo pulled back reluctantly from the death hug he had the other in, looking down at him. He removed one of his arms from around Lee and wiped his tears away, causing the other to instantly lean against his touch. Mo smiled gently at that and leaned down to kiss Lee's cheek.
   "I'm happy you're ok." He said, making Lee nod.
   "Me too. But... lets get out of here." Lee quickly looked at the basement door, and then away. Mo knew what he meant and he nodded instantly.
   "Of course." He said, grabbing Lee's hand tightly within his own. "Come on. If we need anything important from here, we can grab it tomorrow. His place isn't safe anymore, those cultists know where we are."
   "Yeah... speaking of which, I know what we need to do now." Lee said as Mo led him out of the house and to their car.
   "We need to find the other carriers."

(Sorry if I missed any mistakes, I'm tired rn)

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