I Don't Need Help (Habinny)

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(Upon coming back to this book, I immediately got two Habinny fluff shot requests and I'm extremely happy with that. So, here's the first. Just wanted to say that if anyone wonders why there will be two Habinny shots in a row.

I know this was the second request I got but I got it done before the first and thought 'why not, I'll just put it out'.

Anyways, this shot was requested by Theoryofsadness with their own prompt, I've been excited to write this one, honestly. This is something I've always wanted to cover and I thought the request would be fun!
Also, sorry if this isn't as cute and fluffy as you wanted it to be. It was hard to write something extremely fluffy when you have a character like Habit in the way I feel like he would respond to a situation like this

If there are any mistakes, I'll come back and fix them)

Vinny hated tagging along on Habit's 'killing missions', as the demon called them. He hated everything about them.
Being a still sane human, he hated seeing the horrendous acts of torture and methods of murder that Habit would use on his victims. He'd seen a lot in his life, but that didn't make the deaths and cries for help coming from the demon's victims lessen on his mind.
Why did he do it? Well, he was scared he would be on the receiving end of these punishments if he dared to disrespect his 'partner'. He might have had a thing for Habit that seemed to flash on and off at this point, but he didn't ever approve of the demon's want to take human life.

For example, he hated what he was watching right now. One of Habit's failed 'trial rabbits', as he called them, was tied to a chair in her own house. Already, the 'rabbit' had deep gashes in her arms, legs, and stomach; the marks of a precise serial killer at this point. Habit was careful to not hit any organs or arteries, but still make the cuts deep and extremely painful. Vinny felt bad for the girl, she didn't deserve this at all, but that was Habit's rule for his trials. If you fail or don't complete the challenge in the frame of time given, he took care of the failed rabbit. And Vinny was unlucky that day, having to tag along.
Habit was pacing around the tied down 'rabbit' in silence, and Vinny had flashbacks to when Habit had murdered Shaun, one of the other haunted souls. He had watched from the doorway as the purple demon interrogated him, pacing calmly and slowly, making sure every footstep made the wooden floor creak. The demon was doing the same intimidation tactic here, and Vinny wondered for a second if that was all he was capable of doing.
The demon suddenly stopped and scoffed, looking at his human partner.
"This is boring, wouldn't ya say?" He asked, a small grin coming across his bloodstained lips. Vinny gulped and shifted in place.
"You broke her."
"Broke her too early. She's no use anymore." Habit growled, almost to himself, and grabbed his knife from his back pocket with a shrug. "Oh, well. We can have more fun with the next one."

Vinny suddenly realized it. Why the rabbit was being quiet. And he was a second too late warning Habit. The tied up woman's wrist ropes were loose. Habit had been sloppy with tying them, thus not making them right enough. Just as the demon went for the killing cut, her hands fully loosened and, with a cry of anger that even Vinny didn't expect, she shocked Habit right in the face. Now, Vinny knew that the demon could normally pass on his pain to Evan's consciousness, making him immune, but this one caught him off guard. He was unable to do the transfer, thus stumbling backwards and dropping his knife. He blinked in shock a few times before his grin turned into a deep snarling expression, his eyes narrowing as they glowed bright purple.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that you little-"
Before Habit could even continue, the rabbit had untied her ankles and grabbed Habit's knife off of the floor. As the demon went to attack and get her down, she swiftly stabbed him right in the back of the thigh, making sure it went all of the way through it before ripping it open with a yank. Habit let out a snarl, Vinny couldn't tell if it was out of anger, pain, or both, and he wrestled the knife from the failed trial rabbit. With a quick motion of his arm, the knife went deep into her neck. The 'rabbit' was left to choke on her own blood on the floor as Habit stood up, surprisingly panting. Vinny, who had been standing there in shock, watching, walked over to the demon, ignoring the body. He didn't want to look at it.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Habit, are you ok..?" He asked slowly as the purple demon inspected the ripped open muscle and tissue on the back of his right thigh. He hissed softly as he touched it, purely in pain, which shocked the hell out of Vinny. He was used to Habit feeling nothing, but he guessed either it was too late to transfer the pain to Evan, or maybe Habit was out of power and unable to do it right now. The demon huffed and looked up at Vinny.
"Fine. Let's go back to the house."

The trip back in a car that Habit had stolen was pure silence and unnerved Vinny to hell and back. When they reached to the house Habit had been making Vinny stay at for a while with him, the demon didn't say a word as they walked in. The purple demon immediately fell back onto the couch with a puff of air coming out of his mouth, like he was out of breath and tired. This worried Vincent even further. Never in his life had he ever seen Habit this... exhausted. And he knew the reason why, he thought. He walked down the hallway of the house and ducked into the bathroom, coming back a few moments later with a first aid kit Habit had used on him a few times. The demon watched him silently with softly glowing purple eyes, tracking his every movement as Vinny turned on a nearby lamp and set the box down in front of the sofa. He then sat down next to Habit and looked back at him quietly. Suddenly, Habit spoke.

"The fuck are you doing with that."
"Your leg. Take off your jeans and flip over."
"Damn, I'm not a bottom."
"I don't need your help, Vinny. I'm fine."
"You aren't. Not listen to me for once."
"...... ok. Fine."

Habit reluctantly did what Vinny said, taking off his bloody and ripped up jeans and moving over to show his deep slice wound. Vincent flinched. It already started to look infected, the normally pale skin of Evan's body turning an angry, irritated red around the cut itself, while the slice went deep. Muscle was clearly and easily sliced, blood heavily pouring from the wound and onto the couch, just as Vinny expected. He popped open the first aid kit and started to work.
"Might want to bite the pillow."
"You really are gonna fuck me?"
"Habit I swear to everything I will make your wound worse."

Vinny quietly worked for the next thirty minutes on the wound. He made sure to sanitize and clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide and water, moving the demon's leg over a basin that he had brought to catch the fluids. He then sanitized his tools and started to stitch up the enormous slice, putting pressure on it as he did it to make sure it didn't bleed as much. He could feel Habit twitch and flinch under his touch and his needle, but he knew this was for the best. Habit could stop Evan's intestines from falling out, but he didn't know if he could force back a blood based infection. Once he was done, he bandaged the wound up tightly and got Habit to sit up normally, offering him painkillers. The demon, of course, turned them down.

"I don't need painkillers, my powers are painkillers."
"And yet you were flinching the whole time? I think I even got a whimper out of you at the hydrogen peroxide." Vinny blinked. Habit growled gently, but it didn't seem to be fully put into. Half-hearted, as you will.
"Oh shut up..."
"Admit it, Habit. You needed my help."
"Hell no! You didn't do shit! I could have taken care of it myself with my powers. I was just entertaining your wishes." Something flashed behind Habit's eyes that Vinny barely caught, but couldn't decipher. Was it fear? Or gratitude?

"Habit..." Vinny sighed and locked up the first aid kit again. "Ok, fine. You didn't need my help. I'm sorry that I bothered you." He went to stand up when, surprisingly, Habit grabbed his arm. The human blinked and looked down at the other. The demon's eyes glowed normally again, showing that he was probably already feeling better.
"..... thanks."
"Yeah. No problem. I have to watch out for my partner sometimes." Vinny smiled softly at Habit and turned to go put the kit away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Habit smiling back at him. Not a psycho grin, not a mocking smile. A pure, happy one that read pure, actual emotion for once in the demon's existence.

Vinny hated Habit's murder missions, but he could get used to the demon himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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