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LIA KIM FELT like she had been tackled to the ground by a football player. she let out a loud yelp, grip loosening on the basket she held, groaning out a string of expletives, she held on to her side, trying to sit up. her eyes found the culprit. a freaking shopping cart.

filled brows crinkled in confusion as she stared at it. "what the–" she was interrupted by loud footsteps and a voice yelling, "are you okay?" gaze moving up, her eyes met soft brown ones widened in alarm. "yeah, a cart just tried to kill me is all." she nodded as he squatted next to her, hands moving awkwardly to help her up.

"yeah, sorry. that's my fault." he mumbled, glancing down at his feet when she was upright again. holding on to her side with a grimace, she fixed her gaze on him. "you sicced your cart on me?" she frowned.

he lifted his head then, shooting his wide eyed gaze on her. hers went big as she really saw his face. he was very attractive. big brown slightly reddened eyes stared back at her through wire rimmed glasses perched on a prominent nose. small bow-shaped watermelon pink lips parted in shock, giving him the look of a scared bunny rabbit.

his skin was flushed with the heat that rose up his neck from embarrassment. most of his honey brown hair, which fell over his forehead and brows, was hidden underneath the hood of the black puma sweatsuit he wore. his large frame towered over all five-two of her, dwarfing her even more.

"no! it was an accident. i'm really truly sorry." he shook his head vigorously, causing his hair to flop over his eyes. she smiled softly, eyes crinkling with the action. "it's fine. i was just teasing."

"oh," he mumbled, gaze casting downwards again. he caught sight of her groceries scattered on the floor then. instantly crouching down, he grabbed the basket and began to return them into it. she mimicked his actions, picking her things up.

she wanted to ask if he was okay. even in all his beauty, she could sense the exhaustion rolling off of him in waves. "thank you." she mumbled as he placed the last of her things back into the basket carefully. he waved a hand to stop her. "it was my fault anyways." he moved around her to grab his cart before it veered off on another joyride.

she glanced down at the cart and her brows furrowed as she observed one thing. "that's a lot of cheesecake mix." she remarked. "uh, yes, i guess." he let out an awkward chuckle, eyes fixated on her face. pressing her lips together, lia suddenly felt a bit self-conscious. "okay, then. bye." she waved, whirling around and moving off the aisle.

and as she walked away, she felt several things nag at her. there were a lot of questions in her mind. she hated leaving without having a bit of her curiosity satisfied. but there was nothing she could do about it.

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