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34. KISS

AT FIRST, LIA was taken aback by the action, eyes wide with shock. but the feeling of jungkook's soft lips on hers soon lulled her eyes closed.

her hands fisted around the front of his hospital shirt, feeling his heart beating almost as fast as hers was. moulding perfectly against hers, his lips held a subtle hint of cherries. sweet and just a little tangy. and they were so soft and warm. he was warm.

she could barely hear their soft breathing over the loud pounding of her heart. it almost felt like her heart was in her ears. the butterflies that had been lying dormant in her belly had lost it, fluttering around like crazy, as though a field of flowers had suddenly bloomed inside her.

she was feeling so many things at once, it was overwhelming. she couldn't place her finger on what she was feeling most. but whatever it was, she was certain it was positive.

he pulled away first, slowly and hesitantly. when her eyes fluttered open, he was already staring at her. his face was flushed and she presumed hers must have been as well. she wasn't sure what to say, so she just stared back at him.

"i always imagined i'd do that under much better circumstances." he chuckled awkwardly, hands still cupping the sides of her face. she simply stared, not sure of what to say or if she could even speak.

he smiled at her bewildered expression, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks. "um, gillie thinks you'll want a boyfriend like me." he continued awkwardly. "so i... was wondering if she was right." he mumbled out shyly. his neck and ears had gone beet red.

"ah, i really didn't think this through." he muttered, glancing down. "after scaring you today, asking you that and in a hospital, no less."

finally snapping out of her daze, she smiled and pressed her palms to his cheeks. "i think gillie knows what she's talking about." she whispered when his eyes met hers again. eyes brightening, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips. she giggled at his child-like expression when he repeated his action a few more times and pulled her into his arms.

"uh, should we just come back another time?" namjoon's voice floated into their ears on an awkward note. the two turned to the door to find him and jimin standing there holding paper bags. namjoon with his lips pressed together and jimin with a small smile on his face.

"well, we'll just drop off your food and head home." jimin chimed, walking into the room. the knowing smile didn't leave his face as he placed the paper bags on the small bedside table. "since lia already said she'll be watching over you tonight, we'll be back tomorrow to check on you." he stated, stepping back and glancing between the two of them.

the couple spotted matching blushes as they stared back at him. "thanks for the food, hyung." jungkook cleared his throat, wishing jimin would wipe that smug smile off his face. "yeah, thanks, guys." lia smiled softly although her cheeks were flaming.

"it's nothing." he replied, walking backwards. namjoon caught the smaller man by the shoulders so he wouldn't bump into him. "i asked one of the nurses to bring you a blanket, lia." jimin informed. "thank you so much." lia answered gratefully.

"have a good night, you two." he waved, allowing namjoon turn him around. "and don't do anything jesus wouldn't do." namjoon piped before shutting the door behind him.

both jungkook and lia let out mortified groans at his words, hearing him laugh on the other side of the door. "they're so embarrassing."
jungkook sighed, turning back to her. "somehow, i'm sure my friends would've done worse." lia chuckled, shivering a little when she imagined if it were her friends who'd walked in on them.

"food," she gestured to the bags. "ah, yeah." he nodded, reaching for them. "i'm starving. i think i burned calories just crying." she remarked, taking out the food from the bag. it was chinese. "i'm sorry." he looked at her with sincerity. she smiled sweetly. "i'm just glad you're okay."

jungkook stared at her for a long moment as she ate, a dazed smile on his lips. "aren't you eating?" she cocked a brow at him. "oh, yeah." he flushed, unpacking his food.

they ate in silence, jungkook sneaking glances at lia every so often. there was a knock and the door to the room slid open, causing them both to glance up. a smiling nurse held a blanket and a pillow in both hands. "good evening. your friend asked me for extra bedding." she stated, placing them on the small couch. "thank you so much." lia smiled gratefully.

"you're welcome. good to see you're doing better." the nurse glanced at jungkook who smiled in reply. turning around, she left the room.

"i'm tired." lia groaned after disposing of the empty food packages. walking to the couch, she fluffed the pillow. "i'm going to sleep. you should too." she started to get under the blanket when his voice stopped her. "can you, um, sleep next to me?"

she whirled to him with raised brows. "you just asked me out and now you're asking me to sleep with you?" her tone was flat. "not like that!" his face flushed crimson. "just sleep, like the last time. i don't think i'll be able to fall asleep otherwise." he mumbled, twiddling his thumbs.

grinning, she walked over to him, blanket in hand. "i know. i was only teasing." she whispered softly. beaming, he scooted to the side so she could climb in. once she was next to him, he pulled her closer, burying his nose in her hair.

"let's stay like this." he whispered, thumb brushing over her shoulder tenderly. she snuggled up to him, face against his chest, a smile on her lips. pulling the blanket over their bodies, he pressed a warm kiss to her forehead.

"i'll be your teddy tonight, yaya bear."


"can they kiss already?" check.
"can they date already?" check check.
"yaya bear." check check check.

been waiting since the beginning of this story to write this nickname. it's a variation of the nickname that actually inspired this story. might as well end the entire thing here. jk we still have 16 chapters to go (and maybe an epilogue).

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