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JUNGKOOK LEANED BACK, eyes on the dark night sky. lifting his camera up, he focused on cygnus sparkling in the dark expanse of the empyrean. he glanced down at the screen and smiled. the constellation was easily discernable in the still of the celestial midnight blue sea.

adjusting his grip on the grocery bag he held, he resumed his walk home. it was almost midnight when he'd decided to buy himself some snacks and maybe add to his collection of celestial snapshots.

his walk back home was taking longer than it should have with him constantly pausing to capture things he found interesting. it was ridiculously late for him to be out just taking pictures but jungkook didn't really care. he wasn't going to fall asleep anyway. and he needed the distraction that it offered.

stopping in front of his apartment, he moved the camera over his eyes. "one more shot." he mumbled, steadying his hands to avoid a blurry photo. just as his index finger pushed down on the button, a meteor flashed across the sky.

a small gasp left his lips, hands quickly moving camera down to catch an actual glimpse of the falling star. his lips stayed parted as he watched it disappear to most likely bury itself in the earth. "i wish for a good night's sleep." he whispered just before the trail of blazing gold light was gone for good.

blinking slow, he checked the serendipitous picture he'd taken. a breath of a chuckle left his mouth as he took it in. it could not have been more perfect if he'd planned it. dead centre of the picture, the star was perfectly visible against the backdrop of the dark night sky, the other stars almost seeming to clear a path for their fallen friend.

smiling as he walked into the building, his mind drifted to lia. she might like this one. it had to be his best picture yet. and he was already very proud of it. he stepped into the elevator, thinking about how he might have missed it completely if he'd stayed indoors. "happy accident." he chuckled to himself as he slipped his key into the lock and letting himself into his apartment.

setting the bag on the table, he grabbed a bag of gummy bears from it and hurried to his bedroom for his laptop. going through the pictures and sorting them into folders, he paused at the picture of the shooting star and grinned. he transferred the picture to his phone and set the laptop aside.

he quickly typed a caption to send to lia, stopping only for a moment to check the time. it was closer to two am than one. "she's probably sleeping like every normal person." he mumbled, thumb hovering over the send button.

tilting his head in a quick shrug, his thumb moved down. "she'll wake up to it." he reasoned, hitting send. he stared at the message, wondering if he could've come up with a better caption.

jungkook •
[image attached]
make a wish

his eyes widened when his phone dinged a minute later and lia's name appeared on the screen.

• mamma lia!
if i say it out loud will it come true
or is that just for birthday wishes
also did you take that bc it's amazing

unable to stop the large grin that took over his face, jungkook quickly typed up a response.

jungkook •
idk but i don't think typing it counts as saying it out loud
and yes i did
lucky shot tonight
why are you up by this time

• mamma lia!

jungkook couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. he could picture her face, the expression she most likely had.

jungkook •
but you get to see it either way

• mamma lia!
don't console me
let me grieve

jungkook •
yes ma'am
but you didn't answer my question
why are you still up
it's so late

• mamma lia!
i'm watching riverdale
i was meant to watch 1 more episode 3 hrs ago
idk what happened

jungkook •
is it any good

• mamma lia!
if it wasn't any good i won't be sacrificing my precious sleep for it

jungkook •
you right

• mamma lia!
why are you still up at such an ungodly hour

jungkook •
couldn't sleep

• mamma lia!
why tf not

jungkook •

jungkook's heart became more audible for some reason, made worse by the silence of early morning. he had no idea why he had just told her he was an insomniac. it wasn't something he easily shared with just anyone.

lia was taking too long to respond and he was beginning to feel weird. it was funny how he was suddenly feeling self-conscious about telling her. it wasn't like people got stigmatised for being insomniac. "stupid," he muttered to himself.

his hand moved to toss the phone aside, thinking she didn't know how to reply to such a message. but his screen lighting up to notify him of a voice call surprised him.

incoming call from mamma lia!

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