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— 🐻 —
20. PICNIC ピクニック
THE GRASS TICKLED her skin as lia moved around a bit, slipping off the picnic blanket. her mind was too preoccupied with the picture she was manipulating on photoshop to notice.
"keep your ass off the grass." cathryn tugged on her hair from behind. "ow," lia grimaced, swatting her hand away. "if you don't drop that fucking laptop and pay me some attention, i'm gonna leave you for apollo." cathryn threatened. "wouldn't be the first time." lia muttered, eyes still focused on her editing work.
cathryn gasped dramatically. "i can't believe you're accusing me of being a ditcher." she placed a hand on her chest. "and i can't believe you're dating someone named apollo." lia grinned playfully. "hey! apollo is a beautiful and appropriate name for him." cathryn frowned.
"i thought you didn't like 'all that greek myth shit'?" lia finally looked away from her laptop and at her friend, one brow raised. "no, i just don't like that most of their romance ends in tragedy. someone always dies. it sucks."
lia smiled in response, looking back at her laptop. huffing, cathryn reached over and shut the laptop. "this is meant to be a girls' day out without any distractions, including your graphic designing." she looked pointedly at her friend.
"kash and hodan aren't here, so technically, our day out hasn't started yet." lia made to open her laptop again. "touch that laptop, ali, and i swear to god, i'll fling it into the lake." cathryn tucked blonde tufts of hair behind her ears. "you wouldn't." lia narrowed her eyes. cathryn's brows moved higher on her face, expression daring as she folded her arms over her chest. "try me."
"sorry we're late!" kash's breathy voice interrupted their staring contest, drawing their attention to her as she half jogged towards them, holding a picnic basket. hodan walked leisurely behind her, in no apparent hurry. "it's okay, kay, we kind of expect it from you now." cathryn winked.
"but not from ho. what happened?" lia's gaze shifted to the somali girl as she reached them, dropping a bag of snacks on the blanket. "some guy who wouldn't stop flirting." she rolled her eyes. "with you?" cathryn sniggered in disbelief.
"trust me, if he were flirting with me, we'd have been here half an hour ago." hodan's expression was straight. lia and cathryn turned wide eyes to kash. "he was flirting with you?" lia tilted her head. "what? guys can't flirt with me?" kash cocked a brow.
"sweetie, that's far from it." cathryn assured. "but you always shoot them down. you're almost as bad as hodan. your books are like your first love."
hodan pulled out her camera from the bag strapped on her shoulder and carefully placed the bag on the blanket before sitting. "i only shoot mediocre, shallow minded boys down." she stated, tweaking her camera settings to her preference. "you've shot all of them down." cathryn deadpanned.
"well, they've all been mediocre, shallow minded boys." she lifted her camera, taking a test shot of lia reaching into the bag of snacks. "please, no paps." lia mumbled out playfully, grabbing a box of creme sandwich cookies. hodan snorted, taking another picture as kash began to set out the food from the basket.
lia's phone buzzed, distracting her from the topic of the boy who had kept kash and hodan from arriving earlier. her lips lifted slightly at the name that popped up in the notifications.
• cheesecake 🐰 i'd like to sell my friends at a dollar each actually i'll give them away for free
lia • 😂😂 what did they do??
• cheesecake 🐰 they were playing air hockey like it was the world cup and now there's a goddamn hole in my window
lia • how did they even do that i'm?? wait yOU HAVE AN AIR HOCKEY TABLE IN YOUR APARTMENT
• cheesecake 🐰 they shot the puck over my head and out the window lmao yeah actually it's joon and jimin's but they didn't have any room in their apartment so naturally it came to mine
lia • wow okay but now i want to come over to play but which one of them decided it was a shot put and not a puck?
• cheesecake 🐰 i have no clue they're both pointing fingers at each other
lia • i'd do the same ngl
• cheesecake 🐰 wait do you really?
lia • do i really what?
• cheesecake 🐰 want to come over
lia • oh um yeah i'd like to if you don't mind i mean like if it won't be weird or anything
• cheesecake 🐰 i don't mind
lia grinned softly as she read the message. "and what are you smiling about?" kash tilted her head, biting into a chicken sandwich. "hm?" lia straightened, looking at her in question.
"what do you mean 'hm', lia? you were smiling like an idiot and staring at your phone. wanna see?" hodan held up her camera, waving it a bit. "oh really?" cathryn grinned slyly, leaning over to snatch lia's phone out of her hand. "can you stop jacking my gadgets?" lia glared at the blonde.
"there's only one other reason you'd be smiling at your phone besides your three amazing best friends. and that's the boy who ran you over with a cart." cathryn wiggled her brows. lia rolled her eyes. "his name is jungkook." she replied drily.
cathryn shared a look with kash. "she knows that. so do we." the honey blonde smiled. "but you didn't deny it so we know it's true." hodan finished. "you guys have been watching way too much sherlock." lia chuckled awkwardly. "maybe," kash grinned, "but we're right."
lia sighed heavily, shutting her eyes. "so you ready to admit you like him? or are you denying it and the fact that he likes you?" cathryn asked. "you two talk everyday, right?" hodan added. "wow, i don't remember granting an interview." lia's voice was bland as she stared blankly at her friends.
"holy shit, he invited you to his place!" cathryn gasped. "he what?" kash and hodan chorused, scrambling over to get a peek. "wait, i haven't replied him." lia gasped. "don't worry. i already did it for you." cathryn hummed with self-satisfaction.
lia's eyes widened, hurrying over to see what she'd written. "tomorrow?!" she shrieked as she read cathryn's reply. "yeah. we're willing to let him have you for one day." kash lifted her brows wryly. "i feel like a book being passed around." lia muttered in annoyance.
"maybe, but you're the luckiest book because you have the world's best best friends." hodan smirked. lia rolled her eyes dramatically. "i'd give you guys to charity for real." she folded her arms over her chest. "you won't be saying that after your day with jungkook tomorrow." kash sang out.
lia shook her head at them. her bottom lip caught between her teeth in thought. a whole day with jungkook. she couldn't lie to herself. she was excited to see him again.
well would you look at that? a second update in the same month!! who would've thought it would happen kind of a filler chapter but more jungkook and aaliyah interaction in the next couple chapters coming who knows when