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AN AWKWARD SMILE spread across jungkook's face as he stared back at lia's mother who was beaming brightly at him. "even if you can't stay for dinner, i'm not letting you leave here empty handed." she told him, holding out the food she'd packed specially for him.

lia nudged him lightly with her elbow, feeling stifled by the awkwardness since her mother all but ran out of the kitchen to meet him when charlie had informed her of his presence. the longer he refused her offer, the longer they had to stand in the suddenly choked space.

his eyes momentarily shot to her to catch her wide pointed gaze. "um, thank you, mrs kim. i really appreciate it." he finally conceded, dipping his head in a respectful bow as he took the packed dinner off the woman's hands. she patted his hand, a sweet smile on her face. "take care of yourself. and get home safe."

"i'll escort him out." lia announced, lightly touching his arm to guide him back to the foyer. he followed her, waving goodbye to her family. "here," she handed him an umbrella from the stand when they were at the door. "thanks a lot, lia." he smiled softly at her.

"it's nothing. just try to take care of yourself and no more walking in the rain without protection." she replied, tucking her hair behind her ear. his smile took on a playful form. "yes, mum." he teased, watching the way her cheeks warmed.

"see you around, lia." he reached for the doorhandle. "you too, cheesecake guy." she chimed, small smile playing across her lips.

"text her when you get home so she knows you're alive! or else she'll keep worryi–" charlie called out before her voice got muffled, most likely by valeria's hand. "no! no texting, no calling, no nothing! pretend you never met her!" darryl's voice could be heard from upstairs.

"cockblock!" came the chorused reply from valeria and charlie. "no swearing!" their mother yelled back. lia shut her eyes in mortification, left index finger rubbing the middle of her forehead to slow down an oncoming headache.

she could feel jungkook's probably amused gaze on her. "just... go so i can go bury myself in the backyard till robots take over." her voice squeaked as she still refused to look at him. she heard him chuckle before the door opened. "i'll text you when i'm home. you know, so you're assured that i'm still alive."

eyes still screwed shut, she nodded, "mhm." his laugh was the last thing she heard before he mumbled a soft, "goodnight," and shut the door behind him.


lia's mum is mine when my friends come over.
okay bye

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