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JUNGKOOK STARED AT his phone until park jimin cleared his throat. "i'm sorry, is my talking interrupting your texting?" the older boy remarked with a quirked brow. jungkook's eyes moved up from his phone to look at his friend. "sorry. sorry, hyung." he placed the phone on the couch next to him.

"who are you talking to anyway?" kim namjoon appeared with a forkful of cheesecake in his mouth. "hyung, why do you keep eating my cheesecake?" jungkook groaned, looking up at the older man. "because it's delicious?" the eldest answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

jimin and namjoon were something else, to put it mildly, but the two boys were the only ones who seemed to understand jungkook and his nuances. jungkook barely spoke to anyone in his year, finding that their lifestyle not to mesh with his which made him feel out of his element.

jungkook preferred to appreciate the little things in life. like the taste of warm strawberry cheesecake. the taste of the cherry tea he had every morning instead of coffee – he was never fond of bitter things.

rainy mornings when the streets weren't busy and only a few people were out and he could stay in bed under his blankets. or when the night sky was such a vivid dark blue that the stars seemed to shine even brighter. or staying home to watch a movie instead of going out to a party.

jungkook didn't have much regard for loud things. the thoughts that kept him awake every night more than covered up for that. and that was exactly what all the first years were. loud. and he really couldn't relate to that.

namjoon and jimin were neither here nor there, skilled at balancing their lives. it was what jungkook appreciated most about them. they gave him a sense of balance. they might have been older and not in the same year as him but he felt more like himself around them.

sighing, jungkook shook his head, eyes glancing at the screen of his phone again. jimin's brows moved higher on his face. "who's she?" he asked softly. "hmm?" the younger boy's doe eyes rounded. jimin smiled small, thumb playing with one of the silver rings that adorned his fingers. "what's her name?"

he watched as his friend got flustered, hands twirling his phone around. sometimes jungkook hated the fact that jimin was a neuroscience major. the boy could always read him so well. but then, it also meant he was extremely easy to talk to and very understanding. he never judged, which jungkook considered to be an admirable quality to have.

"so it is a girl." namjoon settled down next to him. "when d'you meet her? does she go to our college? is she nice?" he barraged him with questions. the engineering major, on the other hand, was better at reading computer languages than people.

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