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DRAGGING JUNGKOOK BY the ear, namjoon forced him into his shared apartment with jimin. the boy whined in pain, tapping the older boy's hand to get him to stop. "you will sit and you will listen." the tall boy finally let go once jungkook was seated.

jimin only sighed in reaction to the rough handling. to be fair, jungkook had been running off for the last few days since they'd told him they needed to talk to him. he'd leave very early in the morning before they woke up and returned when they'd fallen asleep.

they had had to find out what boxing gym he'd been going to, to refresh his bruises everyday. and then they went there to drag him back to their place. he didn't want to come with them and the oldest boy had resorted to threats, knocks and petty tricks.

jimin chuckled at the memory of namjoon kicking the boy at the back of his knees to knock him off balance and then grabbing both of jungkook's ears and twisting them, his eyes wild with irritation. "who the hell do you think you're ignoring, you spoilt brat?" his voice had rumbled dangerously low as he knocked the boy on the head once. namjoon really handled computers better than he did people.

jungkook groaned, rubbing his now red ear which felt hot to the touch. "why are you treating me like this?" he glared at namjoon who was heading for their kitchen. "because you're ten yottabytes of stupid." the boy threw over his shoulder.

"what?" jungkook's face contorted in confusion. "it's computer speak for you're plenty stupid." jimin replied. "why would you let him treat me like this?" jungkook turned to him. "because he's right." jimin responded matter-of-factly. the younger boy was taken aback by the reply. "what's this about?"

"lia." jimin took a seat on the sofa across from him. throwing his head forward, jungkook sighed in exasperation. "and how you're probably the biggest idiot to walk the face of the earth." namjoon returned with a bag of pita chips, plopping down next to his roommate.

"i feel so attacked." the youngest of the three muttered. "good." namjoon replied, opening the bag of chips. jimin kicked him, giving him a pointed look. "what?" the older boy dipped his hand in the bag, an innocent look on his face.

jimin sighed again, shaking his head. "i swear i get a new grey hair everyday because of you two." he muttered, leaning back on the sofa. shutting his eyes briefly, he took in a deep breath.

"are we having this talk or not?" jungkook glanced between his two friends. namjoon's words were indecipherable over his chewing. nose crinkling, jimin shoved him. "that's disgusting, joonie." he remarked. "sorry," the boy mumbled with a cheeky smile, dimples appearing on his face.

"guys!" jungkook called their attention to him. "yeah?" jimin answered the same time namjoon glared at him and told him, "you better not be yelling at us right now." jungkook pressed his lips together, eyes wide and casted downwards.

jimin clasped his hands together. "right, about lia. the thing is–" he started only to be cut off by the boy sitting next to him. "you fucked up big time. screwed up. cocked up. bungled. botched. blew it. goofed."

"okay, thesaurus." jimin cut him off, holding a hand up. "i was just about done, anyway." the oldest boy muttered, tossing chips into his mouth. "this is about the fight that led to your breakup." jimin turned back to jungkook. "ah, the cheating..." the boy mumbled, head drooping sadly.

"yeah, that never happened." jimin finished flatly. "what? but i saw her." jungkook's brows dipped in confusion. "dude, you saw wrong. so wrong." namjoon shook his head as he tossed more chips into his mouth. "she... she..."

"she didn't. you completely misunderstood the whole situation. you should have waited to find out what exactly was going on before jumping to conclusions." jimin stated, fingers sifting through his hair. "jumped? he pole vaulted." namjoon commented with a scoff. his roommate sighed, dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"i asked her what was going on but she wouldn't tell me. she couldn't answer my questions." jungkook stated defensively. "okay, but were you asking the right questions?" jimin questioned softly.

the boy paused at that, eyes blinking. his mouth opened and shut, no words leaving. "got him there." namjoon glanced at his roommate and chuckled. "she wouldn't tell me what she was doing with that guy." jungkook's voice was unsteady. "maybe because she couldn't?" namjoon offered. "why?"

"because there are things that can't be easily explained without giving away too much." jimin answered, gaze distant. "stop talking in circles, jiminie." namjoon rolled his eyes before looking at their friend in front of them. "it was supposed to be a goddamn surprise."

jungkook's brows arched in question, the skin between wrinkling as they pulled together. he was confused. nothing they were saying made sense to him yet.

"she knew she'd be in school by september so she wanted to do something special." jimin expatiated in a soft tone. "huh?" jungkook was still confused. namjoon groaned, rolling his eyes. leaning forward, he pushed his half-eaten bag of chips to the side.

"jungkook, you fool, she was planning a surprise for your birthday."


violence isn't the way, friends. don't be like namjoon. he was annoyed and desperate and isn't really a people person sksks. somehow, i can imagine my guy friends being that rough with each other.
don't forget to ask the characters any questions you might have. please, ask gillie questions or she might cry!
now there are five chapters to go. the end is nigh.

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