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LIA WAS RED in the face as she listened to the sounds that came out of her friends. she was just about ready to throw them out of her room. actually just cathryn and hodan. the two had been cackling nonstop for the past two minutes.
kash simply had her lips pressed together, countenance somewhere between amusement and a grimace, making it seem like she was stuck between laughing and cringing.
"darryl is actual gold." cathryn snorted. lia eyed her with distaste. "you do realise you're on my bed and i won't think twice about pushing you off it, right?" she let out. cathryn pressed her lips together to suppress her laughter but amusement danced in the green of her eyes.
"question." kash lifted a finger, drawing lia's attention to her. she lifted both brows in reply. "how did he get your number? because that bit seems to be lost in this story."
lia winced at the thought. "that would be charlie. i wasn't there when it happened so valeria told me." she answered. "i stopped her from giving details because i would have wanted to wrap my body in bacon and offered myself to lions for dinner."
"so did he text you?" hodan had finally stopped laughing, now more interested in taking in more details. she adjusted her mauve suede scarf that had fallen off to reveal dark curls, leaning forward on the wicker chair.
lia bobbed her head in a nod. "yeah, he did." her voice was low, barely audible. "oh, shit! really? let me see." cathryn straightened. lia leaned back, shooting her a look, one brow raised in question before reaching for her phone in the folds of her blankets. "it wasn't anything big really. just that he got home fine."
hodan and kash found their way to the bed, circling round lia as she unlocked her phone and clicked on the messaging app. her finger hovered over his name for the shortest of seconds before finally clicking on it and waited as the girls read the short conversation.
• cheesecake guy i'm home, still alive and with all my body parts intact also didn't catch a cold still sneezing?
lia • that's good to know ^^ and nope, no longer sneezing i'm all cuddled up in my blankets with the diffuser on so i'm good
• cheesecake guy nice i'm just about to eat the dinner your mom packed me
lia • prepare yourself for 'a bUrSt oF fLAvoRS'
• cheesecake guy haha what? why'd you say it like that?
lia • that's what my mom says every time she tries a new recipe every. damn. time.
• cheesecake guy well she's right this is fucking amazing pardon my french
lia • french where? oh oH
• cheesecake guy lmao adorable
lia • you mean embarrassing like i haven't suffered enough of that tonight at the hands of the people i call family wait no fuck dammit i wasn't supposed to mention that ever again i'm going to sleep and never wake up goodnight cheesecake guy
• cheesecake guy well i hope you wake up goodnight lia sweet dreams.
"how in the hell did you not know the phrase 'pardon my french?'" hodan's moved from the screen to her friend's face. "i was half asleep, okay?!" lia's voice rose defensively. "i was thinking in slow motion. it's not my fault."
"did charlie really save his name as cheesecake guy? because that's seems more like a you thing." kash let herself sit properly on the bed. "no, i changed it from jungkook to cheesecake guy." lia answered earnestly. "why am i not surprised?" cathryn sighed, "but then again it's kind of cute." she added after a moment. "he's cute, right?"
"who cares about that? inner beauty is way more important." hodan's brows creased together. cathryn pressed her lips in a line, well aware of what was coming and that she had walked right into it. "and he seems really sweet. as long as his personality and attitude are great, physical appearance is completely irrelevant." hodan got on her feet, returning to her place at the wicker chair.
"i'm sorry for being vain again." cathryn drawled out, sighing deeply. kash chuckled lightly, lia snorting next to her. the two friends had had this conversation more than once before. "it's whatever. it's who you are anyway."
"so are you going to text him again?" kash steered the conversation away from looks versus personality. "ha! so i'd royally embarrass myself again? no way." lia answered, shaking her head vigorously.
there was a buzz from her phone, drawing her gaze to it. her eyes widened as she stared at the screen. "looks like he took the initiative." cathryn remarked, eyes on the phone as well. lia continued to stare at the words the boy had just sent.
• cheesecake guy so did you die in your sleep or...
it took me so long to write this chapter. for some reason, it was hard?? anyway i finally got it done. aLSO Y'ALL JUNGKOOK STANS BETTER TELL YOUR MAN TO STOP I CAME HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME NOT TO BE ATTACKED BY BREATHTAKINGLY PERFECT CHISELED ABS SO PLEASING TO THE EY-