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THE TEARS WOULDN'T stop coming. it was as though the dam in lia's eyes had broken and there was nothing she could do about it.

she tried her best to stop crying and pretend everything was alright the entire ride back home. but the moment she stepped inside with kaito by her side to valeria lifting herself off sitting position on the ground by her hands, she broke down again.

she ran up the stairs to her bedroom, slamming the door loudly. flopping herself face first onto her bed, she wailed into her pillows. her heart felt ten times heavier than usual, which was odd because she was certain it had shattered into a billion irretrievable pieces.

her body shook with every sob that wracked through her and breathing felt like a chore as her chest heaved with every shallow breath.

"lia?" valeria's hesitant voice called, soft footsteps following. the bed dipped as she took a seat at the edge. "lia, what happened? all kaito would say was it has something to do with jungkook."

her older sister's sobbing only got louder in reply. reaching out, valeria pulled her sister up and into her toned arms. "we're broken up." she gasped out in between tears. "why?" the younger girl ran a soothing hand down her back. "he accused me of cheating on him with kaito in front of everyone at the diner."

valeria held her tighter at that, letting her sister cry into her top. "you're too much of a wimp to even cheat on a test, what the hell is he on?" she mumbled, brushing the older girl's hair. lia let out a pained chuckle in between sobs.

"he's an idiot and he'll realise it pretty soon." her sister consoled. "he is. but i saw his face, i don't think he's going to realise it anytime soon. he really thought i did." she sniffed, pulling away slowly. "lia..." valeria's expression was sad.

"it's fine. i mean it's not, but it will be... i hope." fingers wiped the tears off her cheeks, sniffling with the action. "can you please give me some time to think? i want to be alone right now."

"are you sure?" valeria's countenance was one of worry. "yeah, i just need a little time alone." lia nodded. "okay," her little sister brushed her thumb soothingly on her shoulder. hesitantly, she got on her feet and walked to the door, glancing back at her worriedly before leaving the room.

lia flopped back on the bed, staring at her ceiling. she didn't cry out but the tears wouldn't stop running down her cheeks and dampening her pillow.

• • •

when lia's eyes fluttered open, the sun was dipping behind cotton candy clouds, leaving brush strokes of a deep red, vibrant orange and happy yellow with frills of fading purple. her heart was fracturing and the world was still spinning in unaffected beauty.

a heavy sigh left her slightly parted lips. she'd dreamt of jungkook, of soft smiles and goofy expressions; of cherry flavoured lips and big, pretty brown eyes; of bunny teeth and messy hair; of too big t-shirts and the colour black.

her face contorted into a pained grimace, a tear slipping out of her eye and she pushed herself up. her hair was out of its ponytail and a mess of tresses that pressed to her cheeks and lips and got in her eyes. her hands came up to push the wayward strands behind her ears. that was when she noticed them.

a bunch of yellow daisies and a folded piece of paper had be laid on the bed next to her. curious, she picked up the paper, unfolding it carefully. familiar, awkward squiggles were scrawled on the white sheet. it could only be her little brother's handwriting. a confused smile lifted the corners of her mouth slightly.

dear lia lia,

it's me. your favourite brother, gabe. val told me you were sad and i can't bother you. i asked her why and she said you and jungkook had a fight and he's not your boyfriend anymore because he doesn't believe in you. gillie is mad at him and he's not her best friend anymore so she only has me now. i'm mad at him too.

don't cry anymore, lia lia. you're very pretty and funny and nice and you always play with me and gillie. you'll find another boy who believes in you. but for now, you have me. i believe in you forever and always. and if you need a hug, i'll always give you one. gillie says she'll give you one too. i love you. sorry, we love you. gillie gave me the stink eye.

val made me write that she helped with my spelling for this. i'll write you more letters so you can cheer up. me and gillie picked you flowers. do you like them? they're yellow and pretty, just like you. cheer up, hm!

lots of love, gabe and gillie.

lia burst into tears. it was the sweetest thing she'd ever read. and he called her lia lia like he used to when he was much younger and her name was a tongue twister to him. she was touched and devastated all at once, holding the letter to her chest. it was better than any love letter she could ever get.

her door squeaked open and she turned to see two little heads peeking in. "lia?" the twins chorused, big eyes full of innocence and caution.

"can i get a hug right now?" their older sister asked. gabriel pushed the door the rest of the way, he and gillian running to engulf her in a big group hug. she let out a small giggle, pulling them closer. "i love you both so much."


i actually teared up writing that letter and when i was proofreading it as well lmao. but little kids really can be such angels that make you cry and laugh all at once.
y'all i hear jeongguk might be blond again?? if it's true, it's over for us bishes. seokjin got purple hair too. june is really starting off big.

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