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LIA LAID SPREAD-EAGLED on the floor, a box of half-eaten pizza between her and jungkook who was also laying on the floor. he turned to her, a mildly teasing look on his face. "what happened to that champion's appetite?"

"your awful air hockey skills killed it." she replied. "i started feeling bad for you and my appetite was ruined." her fingers tapped against the cool wood. he simply smiled at her. at first, she'd been winning, but he liked seeing her excitement whenever she did that he really stopped trying.

"more pizza for me." he grunted, reaching for a slice in the open box. lia smacked his hand away. "ah!" he fixed her with a startled gaze. "what was that for?" he queried, rubbing his hand. "don't touch the winner's food without her permission." she quipped playfully, eyes crinkling in a smile.

jungkook pouted dramatically. "please." he let out in a child-like voice. her eyes narrowed but the corners of her mouth lifted unwittingly. "since you said the magic word." she conceded.

"thanks." beaming brightly, he grabbed a slice, biting into it happily. "hey, cheesecake," lia called after a moment of listening to him chew, her eyes on the ceiling. "hm?" he hummed out, picking at a nail. "isn't that getting fixed anymore?" she pointed towards the window without looking.

he twisted his head around, lips pursed and eyes slightly widened. "it is. i don't know why the guy is late." he answered, turning back. "i think you should call him." she suggested. "doing that." he stretched his arm out, feeling around for his phone.

he dialed a number and lia waited. picking up a pizza slice, she munched on it, listening to jungkook's side of the conversation. his voice was calm and soft. she smiled, imagining if darryl were the one in his shoes. he'd have been so irritated by the tardiness.

but jungkook was calm. he seemed to always be. it was nice to know. at least one of them could always keep a cool head. lia was the type to panic first and think of a solution later. much, much later.

"thank you," he said into the phone before ending the call. "what happened?" she questioned, glancing at him. "vehicle broke down." he answered. "he should've called to let you know." she stated. "i guess he forgot."

they both reached into the box of pizza, grabbing a slice. except they were both reaching for the same slice. the last one. they shared a look, sitting up instantly, neither letting go.

"how many have you had?" she asked with narrowed eyes. "i wasn't exactly counting." his right brow rose higher, an incredulous look on his face. "how many have you had?" he redirected. "i don't know." she blinked.

"play rock paper scissors for it?" she suggested. "okay." he agreed, both placing the pizza back in the box. the two held out their hands, chanting out the three words before throwing out their signs. lia's eyes widened as she saw jungkook's scissors that definitely trumped her paper.

"best two out of three?" she glanced at him innocently. chuckling, he nodded. and once again he won. "best three out of five?" he laughed but agreed anyway. still he won. "looks like rock paper scissors is not your game, yaya." he remarked with a smug smile which fell off his face when he saw her snatch the slice out of the box.

"hey! i won that fair and square!" he leaned over, barely stopping her from putting the slice of pizza in her mouth. "i'm taking it." she said in a singsong voice as she scooted away, playful grin on her face.

without thinking, he launched himself at her, throwing her back. a small yelp left her lips when the back of her head hit the floor and the pizza slice nearly fell out of her hold. but lia wasn't thinking about it anymore. not when jungkook's face was mere inches above hers.

she gawked up at him in their cliché position, realising it was the second time that day they were having such intense eye contact. she felt like she had been thrown into a stereotypical teen romance fiction.

the corners of his eyes crinkled in a smile. "who knew you were such a sore loser?" he echoed her words from earlier in the day when she'd first beat him at air hockey. using her momentary daze to his advantage, he leaned down and took a huge bite of the pizza slice. then he was moving off her.

she finally snapped out of it, glancing down at the crust. "you practically ate all of it!" she gasped. "i won it so i ate it." he shrugged, glancing down at her. she shook her head but smiled softly. "by the way, gillian wants you to visit. she misses you."

his lips parted in a smile to expose bunny teeth. "gillie! how's she?" his flushed face showed his excitement. "she's doing well. breaking things, running down stairs, causing a ruckus with gabriel." she listed out.

"my little man." his expression was almost wistful. "why don't you just adopt them?" she gave him a look. "sure. if your mom doesn't mind." he quipped. "she'd rather adopt you." she replied, slowly biting into the crust.

he pressed his lips together. "hm, that'd be nice. except it'll make you my sister." his eyes moved to her face. "and that'll be a problem?" her left brow went up. "yeah," he dragged out the word, voice sounding distracted. "a big one."

"why?" she asked curiously. "bec–" he was cut short by someone knocking at the door. he turned towards it. "i think the repairman's here." he got on his feet, dusting off his jeans before holding a hand out for her. she took his hand and he helped her up. "thanks."

"how about i show you the pictures i took while the window gets fixed?" he threw the question over his shoulder while he walked to the door. she beamed brightly. "hell yes."


this is unedited bc i'm too lazy to care rn. so don't be shy to point out any errors you might spot.

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