I have a son now

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Danny's class learns about Danny Junior in a different way.

Some of you suggested more Danny Junior, SO HERE'S THE ADORABLE LIL MUFFIN JR!


The classroom sat in silence as the students tried to finish their test. All were focused and quiet,

Until a certain halfa popped his head through the ceiling, screaming, "I HAVE A SON"

Lancer screeched and dropped his coffee. He gripped his chest, breathing heavily.
"I swear you're going to give me a heart attack one day! Daniel, use the freaking door!" He said, glaring at the halfa.

Dash quickly got back in his seat, which he fell out of, and nervously looked around hoping nobody saw that.

Sam and Tucker, both used to their friends 'surprise entrances', looked up unfazed.

"OK BUT SERIOUSLY THO, you all know vlad, right?" Danny asked.

"You mean the guy who wants to marry your mom, kill your dad, make you his evil son, and kidnapped you several times? Nope, never heard of him" Star sarcastically replied.

"ANYWAYS! He kidnapped me again,"


"Yea, he tried to clone me again,"


"Let me finish, nearly died but thats not important, he messed up and," the rest of his body went through the ceiling. He landed on the ground and became tangible, revealing that he had a little black haired and blue eyed baby in his arms.

"I now have a son... so... yea... MEET DANNY JUNIOR! DJ FOR SHORT!" Danny gave them a bright smile as he showed them DJ.

He had on a little blue onsie with spaceships and had a green binki. He looked at his dad with curious eyes then looked back at the class.

He then laid his head down on Danny's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"...is he sleeping?" Danny whispered. The class nodded, still shocked. Lancer wasn't as shocked.

He learned to not be surprised when it came to Danny.

"Awww hes so frikkin CUTE" Paulina whisper shouted, taking out her phone to take a picture.

"How'd your parents react?" Mikey asked.

"Moms currently coming up with plans on how to kill vlad, dads baby proofing the house and making baby sized hazmat suits, and Jazz is out baby clothes shopping so... pretty well" Danny said.

"He looks just like you!"

DJ woke up and spat out his binki. It went flying and hit paulina in the face. DJ smiled and started giggling while wiggling around, making it difficult for Danny to hold him.

"Aw, and he acts just like you as well!"

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