Flash (1)

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I'm shook, I just realized this is becoming like a normal one shot book and I don't know how to feel about that.

*remembers the muffins*

Never mind this is not a normal one shot book.


In which Barry has to take his four year old cousin to work with him.


"Allen, want to tell me why you're late... and have a kid" Captain Singhs sharp tone softened a bit once he noticed the small boy in the CSI's arms.

"Sorry! I know I should of asked but Joe couldn't watch him because obviously and Iris wasn't responding and I don't really have anybody else and-" Singh held up a hand, signaling Barry to calm down and shut up.

"As long as you keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get into anything, I'll allow it Just this once" Singh said, eyes turning towards the small four year old. His lips twitched as he tried to send him a friendly smile. However, it just made the kid cling to Barry even more.

"Sorry.. this is Danny, he's a bit shy" Barry explained. Singh just nodded, understanding.

Other officers in the precinct stared at Barry in surprise. They didn't expect the quiet CSI to have a kid. Eddie sat at his desk, staring at Barry in complete confusion. He's spent a lot of time with Barry and his family because of Iris. If Barry had a kid, he would of known.

He looked at Joe who just shrugged, finding amusement in his partners confusion.

Barry whispered into the small child's ear, earning a nod in response. Barry sighed in relief when he was allowed to put the four year old down. His arms were starting to cramp up from holding him for so long.

Danny didn't let go of Barry's hand and hid behind him once he noticed all the staring.

"Alright, back to work" Singh ordered, snapping everyone out of their stupor.

Barry lead Danny up the stairs and towards his lab. When he walked in, he got an alert from Cisco that a meta was on the loose. Barry silently groaned at the inconvenience.

"Um.. okay new plan" Barry turned to the quiet child. He looked at Barry with curious blue eyes as he was lead away from the lab.

"I need to clean the lab so how about you stay with Joe, it'll be really quick I promise" Barry said with a reassuring smile,

Danny immediately frowned and shook his head, tears threatening to fall. Barry did his best to hide the obvious panic in his voice.
"It'll be okay I swear! Besides, you like Joe! And it'll only take a few minutes" Barry reasoned.

'Hopefully a few minutes..' he thought.

Danny calmed down after a minute of thinking and eventually nodded. Barry let out a breath of relief. He lead Danny back downstairs and towards Joe.

Everyone stopped and stared, Barry ignored them as he made his way towards Joe.
"I need to get a few things done quickly so can you watch him for a few seconds" Barry's eyes pleaded.

Joe immediately nodded and Danny let go of Barry's hand to hide behind Joes chair, not liking all the attention he was getting. Barry ruffled Danny's hair before jogging back to the lab. After checking for others, he sped out the window and down the streets towards Star Labs.

Danny relaxed once the attention wasn't on him.
"You alright sport?" Joe asked softly. Danny nodded, once again not saying anything.

Danny hasn't said anything since his parents and big sister passed away two months ago. He had been put under Barry's care since he was his last living family member. Not many knew about it, only Joe, Iris, Barry, and Oliver Queen.

Joe tried not to think of Barry's boyfriend, he wasn't a fan of Oliver and last time he saw him, he threatened to hurt him if he ever hurt his son.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a tugging on his jacket sleeve. He turned and looked at Danny who was pointing at Joes desk. He was currently writing a report on a recently solved case of his.

"Do you want to draw?" Joe asked, smiling a bit once Danny's face brightened and he nodded. Joe pulled out a blank piece of paper and a pencil. He cleared a space at his desk and set them down. He then helped Danny crawl onto his lap.

Danny grabbed the pencil and began drawing what looked to be a dragon. Joe knew Eddie was still confused and he found it quite hilarious.

Twenty minutes passed since Barry had run off and Joe was nearly done with his report. Danny was too engrossed in his drawing to notice how much time had passed.

Danny heard footsteps coming down from the lab and perked up once Barry walked into the room, smiling when he saw Danny was drawing.

Danny excitedly hopped down from Joes lap, paper in hand. He ran over and proudly showed Barry his drawing. It was a picture of what looked to be him, Joe, and Iris on a dragon.

"Did you steal that from a museum?" Barry asked, grinning down at the small four year old.

Danny smiled and shook his head, pointing at himself.
"What!? You're kidding!"

Joe watched with a smile as Danny shook his head and continued pointing at himself. Everyone watched in amusement as Barry kept on praising Danny's drawing as they made their way up to the lab.

Once they were out of sight, everyone began chatting.
"I've only known about the kid for an hour but if anyone hurt him, I'd kill them" One detective stated, earning a nod from everybody else.

"...Barry has a kid.." Mumbled a still confused Eddie, causing Joe to chuckle.

Tbh, I didn't plan on making Danny mute in this but I'm happy with how it turned out.

I wanted to make a proper Danny Phantom and The Flash crossover so HERE IT TIS!

Hope you liked it :P

Tis all,

Good day

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