My Hero Academia (10)

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Danny sniffled again and wiped away the tears that dropped on the picture. Everyone else would be at lunch, no doubt wondering where the hell he was at and what happened during the sports festival.

He was alone in his and Aizawa's apartment, in the cupboard and holding a picture of his family. He missed them so much. He hadn't seen Jazz since he left, he wondered if she even knew what happened.

He always wondered what would happen if they found out about his quirk, but he never truly expected them to disown him.

Aizawa was reluctant to let him stay home alone, especially after everything that happened. Danny reassured him with a promise to text him every once in awhile to let him know he was okay.

Only he wasn't.

He wasn't sure he would ever be okay, his own mother threatened to shoot him if he ever went near her family again. His father didn't say anything, but the look of betrayal and devastation said enough.

He felt another pang of sadness when he thought of Sam and Tucker, of his friends back in Amity. He would never be able to see them again, he would never get to make jokes and play video games with Tucker nor would he be able to prank people with Sam. His mom made it very clear what would happen if he ever stepped foot in Amity Park again.

He shuddered at the thought.


"Why the fuck are we here again" Bakugou asked once they arrived at the apartment complex.

"Because we gotta make sure our bro is okay" Kirishima said, marching up the stairs.

"I'm fucking leaving" The angry blonde turned away only to be pulled back by Mina.

"Don't leave! What's the bakusquad without our angry Pomeranian?"

Bakugous eye twitched.
"What the hell did you just call me!?"

Luckily, before he could say anything else a new voice interrupted.

"Oh, are you guys here to check on Danny Kun as well?"

Kirishima turned around and sent a grin towards Izuku, Iida, and Ochako. Bakugou groaned, annoyed and shoved past Kirishima to start making his way up the stairs. Everyone else began following him.

"The Pomeranian is even more angry now" Kaminari whispered to Sero, who in reply burst into gut wrenching laughter.

"Shut up! Idiots" Bakugou yelled as they reached a new set of stairs.

"I don't understand why he is so angry, all we are doing is checking on a fellow classmate and friend" Iida said.

"It's because he is secretly concerned but doesn't want anyone to know" Mina 'whispered', purposefully loud so Bakugou would hear. He gave her a death glare.

"Here it is!" Kirishima grinned, pointing to the apartments door belonging to Danny and Aizawa.

"Maybe we should of asked Aizawa Sensei before coming here... it is his house too and it's not like we told Danny we were coming" Ochako said.

"The dumbass posted his address in the group chat, it's his own fault" Bakugou knocked angrily on the door.

Sero pondered for a moment before squinting his eyes in confusion.
"Why'd he do that again?"

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