Never Be Alone (2)

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ANOTHER PART! I know a few of you asked for more of Never Be Alone, so here you go!

This whole thing will probably be 4-6 chapters long? Idk tbh.

Also just a reminder, Danny's only powers are enhanced hearing, invisibility, and intangibility. Also the ghost portal broke when Danny turned it on, causing ghosts to be trapped in the human world since natural portals don't exist. They attack Danny because they blame him. (This was explained in part 1 but I'm reminding you)


"How do you solve this again? I forgot the formula" Star asked as she shoved her homework into the middle of their study group.

Kwan grabbed it and looked it over.
"Oh, it's the one where you gotta 'take out the little man'. At least that's what Ms Rey said to help us remember"

Dash grinned then turned towards Danny.
"Guess I'll be taking you out. What's your favorite restaurant?"

Danny stared at him for a moment, eyes squinting behind his reading glasses. He raised his eyebrow once he got it and lightly punched Dash's arm.
"Stop making fun of my height before I start making fun of your squared shaped head"

Dash let out an offended gasp while the others burst into gut wrenching laughter.
"You do have a squared shaped head" Paulina mumbled, studying Dashs head.

"I do not!"

"Somebody's in denial" Star said in a song-song voice.

"Alright let's stop making fun of Dash and start studying for the math test. You guys gotta pass it in order to go on that trip" Danny said, flipping through his notes.

"I'm gonna miss you, Y'know. Even though you made fun of me" Dash said as he wrapped an arm around Danny's waist.

"You'll only be gone for a week" Danny reminded, kissing Dash on the cheek.

Kwan made a fake gagging noise.
"You guys are sickeningly adorable, please stop before I puke"

Dash just flipped him off before kissing Danny on the lips.
"STOP! MY VIRGIN EYES!" Kwan yelled, covering his eyes.

"Oh please! I think we all know your eyes are far from virgin!" Star said.

"...I don't Star, please elaborate. Why do you say that?" Kwan asked innocently.

"For one, you walked in on me and Dash full on making out" Danny pointed out.

"Why must you bring up these horrid memories" He whined as he rolled over so he was laying on his back.

"I'm going to put a pause on this conversation so we can pass the test. But let's restart it later because I'm honestly curious on where it was going" Everyone nodded in agreement to Paulina.

If they didn't pass, then they wouldn't be able to go on the trip for football players and cheerleaders. It was a reward for winning every football game they competed in, including state championship.

'It's only for a week' Danny kept reminding himself.

'A long and boring week'


Danny waved goodbye as Dash and his friends got on the bus. He was in Dash's hoodie, which Dash insisted him to keep, that was obviously too big for him. It was six in the morning, an hour before school actually started but Danny decided to come early and visit them before they left. It was still a bit dark and cold. Dash opened the bus' window and peered down at Danny.

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