My Hero Academia (8)

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I actually thought Shinsou was Aizawas actual nephew and I just found out it was only a headcannon what the f-

Anyways, for this imma use it sooo... yeah.

Also, I'm sorry for not updating. Kinda got writers block rn (le sob) but imma try and overcome that with mOrE WrItInG so sorry if this is a shit chapter.

I apOloGizE

Also, ITS S U M M E R


Moving on,

Enjoy :D


"Did u guys see the news! We were on it!" Denki exclaimed in excitement.

"Under awful circumstances, that should never be celebrated" Iida said.

"...yeah... but still!"

Ochako leaned over towards Izuku.
"I wonder who our substitute is going to be"

"Maybe Allmight?" Izuku said hopefully.

"Man, I'm gonna get so many babes when they see i was on TV!" Mineta cheered, earning a tongue slap by Tsuyu.

All conversation stopped when they heard a commotion coming from the hallway.

"Why the hell are you here? I told you to stay home!" They heard Aizawa scold.

"And I told you I wasn't gonna stay if you weren't!" Danny's familiar voice whined.

"I'm the adult and you're supposed to listen. I survived much worse then this and I have a class to teach"

"Well so have I! Do you know how much a shot to the head hurts! If you look closely, there's still a scar!"

Iida choked on his water. The door opened revealing an annoyed, bandaged, Aizawa and a semi bandaged smug Danny.

"Sit in your damn seat"

Danny childishly stuck his tongue at him as he sat down. Aizawa made his way to front. He began to talk about the Sports festival that was coming up, much to the surprise of everyone.

"Aizawa Sensei, forgive me but, I thought they would cancel it after everything that had happened" Iida asked after raising his hand.

"The Sports Festival is far too important to cancel, it helps you get recognized by pro hero agencies" He explained.

Danny looked and saw a very excited Ochako.

Danny raised his hand.
"If I win do I get my muffins back?"

Aizawa rolled his eyes.
"Any other questions?"

Danny let out a offended gasp before storming over to the cupboards and climbing inside.


Danny was, to put it lightly, irritated.


Some annoying students decided to block the exit, preventing Danny from going home and cuddling with Boo and Spooky.

"Get outta my way!" Katsuki growled as he shoved past. Danny didn't blame him. If it wasn't against the rules, he would of sent them all to the zone.

Danny did his best to ignore a fuming Katsuki and decided to just phase out of everyone's way.

"How sad it is to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs" A tired voice said, stepping up.

Danny looked at him and almost choked. Nobody noticed the half ghost kid on the brink of having a mental breakdown because he was trying to figure out if his guardian had a kid he didn't tell him about.

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