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Danny sat at his desk with his head in his arms. He stared at the board with a blank expression. He had dark circles under his eyes.

"Danny, you ok?" Nathan asked. Danny just shrugged.

"How much sleep did you get?" Sam asked. Danny didn't reply, he just shrugged again.

"Was it the box ghost?" Star asked. Danny just tiredly shook his head.

"Was it any ghost at all?" Danny hesitated but shook his head.

"...I don't wanna talk about it" he mumbled. Everyone immediately became concerned.

"Are you sure, Daniel? Remember what we all talked about, we'll always be here to help" Lancer said, worried for the normally happy teen.

"I just don't want to talk about it! Ok!?" Everyone was startled at Dannys harsh tone.

Everybody nodded their heads.


A week has passed and there had been no change. Dannys been quiet and tense. The circles under his eyes had gotten even more darker signaling that he hasn't been getting any sleep.

Everyone tried talking to him but he wouldn't really reply. Everyones very worried. He hadn't even ate or talked about muffins.

Everyone was in Lancers class, reading their assigned novels. Danny had accidentally fallen asleep and everyone decided to leave him.

"I can tell he hasn't been getting any sleep" Sam said.

"I'll allow it just this once" Lancer said, getting his own book out.

A half hour had come and gone, nobody noticing because they were too engrossed in their books,


Everyone jumped in their seats as Danny sat up, gasping. His eyes were wide and full of fear. He looked around the room, confusion quickly turning into realization.

His breathing calmed down and he slumped back in his seat. He rubbed his eyes and let out a tired sigh.

"Danny? Are you having nightmares?" Elizabeth asked, voice soft.

After awhile, Danny slowly nodded. Everyone put down their books.

"Talking about it will help, you know" Star said.

"I-I know... I just..." Dannys voice broke at the end. Everyone felt their own hearts break.

"C'mon man, we're here for you" Tucker said.

"Yea, maybe we can help!" Mikey exclaimed.

Danny sighed for the millionth time.
"O-Ok..." Danny mumbled.

They all sat in a circle on the floor. Sam held Dannys hand comfortingly. Tucker patted his shoulder.

"W-Well... you all know my fear? R-Right? Y'know... dissecting tables... all that shit" Everyone let the cuss word go.

"Yes, we know" Lancer felt disgusted at the thought. He hated that Danny had to fear being cut open and used as a science experiment. He hoped that one day the Guys In White would be disbanded and that Danny could live peacefully without that fear.

"I've been having nightmares about it... it's gotten way worse. I'm too scared to sleep because I don't want to dream about it. I'm nervous to go ghost. I'm paranoid that the Guys In White are going to find me. After what had happened with Gabrielle" Sam had to calm herself down before she ended up hunting the bitch down and calling Skulker.

Everyone had the same thoughts. They remembered when Danny had told them about that. They were all boiling with rage.

"When did they start? Do you know why?" Kwan asked.

"We were dissecting frogs in Biology a few weeks ago, I think thats what started it. I couldn't help but imagine myself like that.." Danny shivered, wrapping his arms around himself.

"We can have one of us be with you when you go out ghost hunting just in case" Star said.

"Yea, we all have a plan just in case it happens"

"We won't let them get you, Danny!"

"We'll help you through your nightmares!"

A soft smile made its way on Dannys face.

"Thanks guys"

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