A Trip Gone Wrong (Rewritten)

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Danny nervously looked towards Sam and Tucker as the doors to the new upgraded specter speeder closed.

"It'll be ok, Danny" Sam said, trying to reassure him. It didn't work.

"Yea, dude. What could possibly go wrong? I mean, other then getting attacked by ghosts... or killed... or crash landing onto a island... or-" Sam shot Tucker a glare and punched his arm.

"Not helping" She hissed.

Sam and Tucker were in the seat next to Dannys. Jack and Maddie both took their seats in the front. Jack was gonna be driving, much to everyones dismay.

"Alrighty, everyone buckle up!" Jack said. Everyone did as he said. Danny reached up to grab the seatbelt but immediately stopped when he got shocked.

"Son of a-" Danny groaned.

The freaking seatbelts were anti-ghost. Out of everything on here, only the seatbelts were.

Danny shrunk down into his seat so nobody could see him. He didn't want anyone causing a scene about how he's not wearing his seatbelt. That wouldn't end well.

Lancer was in the second seat, talking to Maddie. Everyone was seated in the middle except for Danny, Sam, and Tucker who were sitting in the very back.

Jack started up the speeder, and they entered the ghost zone. Everyones eyes widened once they saw the green swirls and purple doors of the ghost zone.

"I need a muffin" Grumbled Danny.

"Woah, they're islands!" Dash exclaimed, pointing towards a large island with a skull on it.

"Dude, is that a prison!?" Kwan said, pointing towards a floating purple prison.

Suddenly, the specter speeder got hit. Everyone inside screamed as it began falling towards the ground.

"Oh shit" Danny mumbled. He created a ghost sheild around the speeder so nobody would get seriously injured when they crashed.

The speeder hit the ground and Danny was launched from his seat by the force of the impact.


"He dead?"

"Shut up, no he's not!"

"This is why you should always wear seatbelts"

"Danny?? Are you still with us??"

"Mm? S'n of a bich tht hurt" Danny groaned as he opened his eyes. Everyone was standing above him, worried looks on their faces.

"Yup, he's fine" Tucker said, helping Danny stand up.

"Danny! My baby, are you hurting!?!?" Maddie exclaimed, rushing towards him. She grabbed the sides of his face and began checking for injuries.

"Yea, i'm fine..." Danny said. Maddie hugged him.

"Now why on earth weren't you wearing your seatbelt!?" She asked, a stern look on her face.

Danny shrugged.
"I uh... it snapped" Danny said. Maddie raised her eyebrow, clearly not believing him.

Before she could say anymore, the door to the speeder was knocked down. Everyone yelped in surprise.

"Oh for the love of... damnit!" Danny mumbled under his breath. A bunch of Walkers guards walked into the speeder, carrying large weapons. Maddie and Jack stood in front of the group. Maddie was holding Danny protectively.

The guards made a path. Walker walked onto the speeder, causing Danny to groan.

Walker smirked as he saw Danny.

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