Shot (3)

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"Jeez, you better invite me to the wedding"

Dash gave Star a unamused look, trying to cover the fact that his face immediately became beet red at her statement.

"I don't know what to do!" He groaned, burying his face into Stars couch cushion. Star looked at him in amusement.

Kwan may be a (sort of) good wingman, but Star gives better advice. He also knew she wouldn't immediately bad-mouth Danny despite never meeting her, unlike someone else.

Dash winced at the thought of Paulina. They always had an on and off relationship ever since their freshman year of high school. Dash had finally called it quits after graduating two years ago. It didn't stop her flirty remarks or attempts to start their relationship again, but Dash wouldn't have it. He still liked Paulina as a friend, they knew each other since kindergarten.

However, Dash felt more things with Danny then he ever had while with Paulina. He felt more happy, more alive (literally since she saved his life), and just overall more good. She was beautiful, strong, brave, selfless, and just perfect. Not to mention kind. He always got a twinge of annoyance whenever Paulina said anything bad about anyone. Sure, when they were younger his stupid brain thought it was funny, but it quickly grew old, annoying, rude, and just childish as they got older.

"Didn't she kiss you?"

Dash's face reddened as he nodded. Star smiled, mentally awing. She was beginning to like 'love struck dash'.

"You're adorable when flustered. I really want to meet this girl, first she saved your ass from a crazy asshole," Stars teeth clenched in anger at the reminder of that monster who tried to kill her friend. She quickly calmed herself down before she snapped the pen she was holding out of anger, "then she managed to turn you into a love sick puppy. I like her already"

Dash looked at her, eyes begging for some advice on what to do. Star sighed at him.
"Alright, next class you have, bring her something. Nothing too big, maybe a box of her favorite candy or something"

Dash immediately brightened up, now sitting properly on the couch.
"She did mention her favorite food was Muffins. I'll bring her a muffin! Then I can ask her out to dinner! Then a movie!"

Star smiled and nodded.
"There you go! Also, I want to meet her. So how about you invite her to our game night next month as well"

Dash's smile turned nervous. Not at the thought of Danny meeting Star, but at the thought of meeting Paulina. He quickly shook the thought out of his head. If Paulina truly cared for him, she'd accept him moving on.


"Alright, that wraps up todays session" Danny said once she noticed the time. Everyone immediately began walking to the dressing rooms.

She turned to start packing her stuff back into her bag when Dash walked up. She turned to face him, face turning a dusty pink at the sight of his visible muscles through his shirt.

'Snap out of it, stop looking at his muscles! Look at his face instead!'

Her eyes traveled to his face, his bright blue eyes staring back at her. He gave her a grin then handed her a wrapped bakery box.

"I tried making some for you myself but ended up almost burning my house down" He smiled sheepishly at her. She opened the box and saw two delicious looking blue berry muffins.

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