Untitled Part 92

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I lied so many times,

But how much more can I force my rhymes?

I can't stop here,

I feel too much a rush.

She doesn't know,

She doesn't understand.

She's like treasure in the dungeon,

Worth the fight,

No matter how arduous.

She gives me a rush like none ever,

A rush of excitement and joy,

A rush of affectionate love.

She is the truth in my dark,

The candle in this dark mansion of the world.

I've seen the dull green flames,

The false hopes of this world.

She is a true light in the dark,

That which will unveil the secrets of my world.

I have nothing,

But with her,

I  have it all.

I could have everything,

But without her,

It's barely anything.

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