Mass Media.

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Turn off your tv.
They only show you
What they want you to see.

We live in a world of sheep
Ruled by wolves
And owned by pigs.

We are only shown certain things
Because this world is corrupted.

We are only shown certain things
Because then our minds are kept at bay.

We're a brain-washed generation.

But real eyes
Real lies.

I mean, after all, the media elite clearly know what's best for everyone; just sit back and let them spoon-feed whatever they've prepared for our education.

We were taught to never trust
Our own eyes
And to always believe
What we are told.

We have firearms to 'protect' us,
How's that working out?
Children, dead.
Adults, dead.
People of every generation,

The media tell us that because a man is white he has disabilities and needs mental attention.

But a man of color or a different face,
He's suddenly a killer.

People are sexualized, raped and aren't respected as a person because the media puts ideas in our minds about how we should behave, and how we should look.

If the human isn't straight or isn't the gender they were born, they get shit being said about them
They're only doing it for attention.
They're confused.
They didn't get good dick in their life.
And many other things.

Or how when we are touched without consent, it's our fault and we're not the victim.

Mass Media only shows us what they want us to see.

They only tell us certain things.

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