12 2 3

We're flying in a loose formation with Essix in front, me beside her, Star in the back, and Briggan opposite me. We all contemplated walking since Erde said Razor and Maximo's campsite is close, but then we decided that it would be easier to spot in the air.

"This is definitely the most desert I have seen in my whole lifetime." Star says "When this is over I might actually think about taking a trip back to the Beaks, no sand, just snow. It'll be a nice change of scenery."

I turn my head and look at Star "Since when have you cared about the scenery?"

"Since I've seen nothing but sand for the past couple of days. At least everywhere else there's something different." She gestures at the sand below us "Here nothing changes, it's all the same color of yellow."

Essix laughs and shakes her head "You are definitely something else my friend."

In the sky in front of us I see what looks like four black dots heading in our direction. I open my mouth to warn Essix, but I can tell she's seen them too based on how her eyes are narrowed.

"Brace for attack!" Essix yells.

The black dots get closer and I see that they look like attack drones, except these look different from any I've ever seen. For starters they're completely black, but the second thing is that they're shaped like bats, which is odd because normally they're shaped like falcons or wasps.

The drones shoot towards us and they quickly fire little purple beams from their mouths. We split from the small clump we were flying in and take off in different directions. I thought the drones would follow each of us since there are four of us and four of them, but instead they all fly after me. Fantastic. Well, at least now I can cross getting attacked by drones off my bucket list. I flap my wings and dodge from side to side as the bat drones try to shoot me down; Briggan comes out of nowhere and slams into one of them, leaving three still tailing me.

Essix, Tiny and Star come in front of me and take out two of them. I take a dagger out of my belt and I hurl it backwards at the last drone. I hear the clank of the metal as the dagger hits it and a second later I see the sparks and smoke from it as it falls. I stop and start to turn back to where everyone else is when all of a sudden I'm hit in the back with a burning hot energy beam. There was a fifth one, we should've known.

I fall from the air and plummet onto the sand below. I land hard on my back and then it feels as if my whole body's on fire. I grit my teeth as I sit up, but then I feel a dark foreboding energy creep through my body "No it's happening again!"

I try my best to resist but that doesn't seem to do anything. I look up at all of my friends flying down towards me, and my vision goes red. Then before I can process what's happening and why I'm flying straight towards them, my vision goes dark.

Hey guys!!

So sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with senior stuff. When you're about to graduate high school your life gets pretty hectic towards the end of your school year. But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter; there's plenty more exciting things to come!

Leave me a vote or comment if you liked it!

Byeeee! 😘

ScarletApollo99 🕷

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