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After getting ready with everything done, I grab a clutch and toss in my phone, wallet, room key, and perfume. Looking at the mirror I see me but cleaned up.

With my dark brown hair in a side bun, I added in some braids to keep my fringe in control. My make up was simple with some powder, rose pink lip stick, eyeliner and mascara. Very simple. Then my baby blue dress that had 3/4 lace sleeves and ended right at the knees. It had a cute little satin belt and then my strap silver heels with my toe nails quickly done to match my lipstick. Since I am a bit cold my clutch, shoes and cardigan are all a soft gray tone.

Satisfied, I spritz some perfume on myself and headed out the door. Before I took a full step outside I saw paper on the bed side table. Walking back in I grab the note and... music sheets? Reaing the note it says.

Sorry for showing you this so late, but we would love you could play while my sons sing the first dance. Also, if you wouldn't mind, could you play for us. Apparently the band cancelled last minute. 

Thanks, Mother


Shaking my head I look at the mirror and look at my gray eyes, and dark brown hair. My legs are rather long and nice according to Michael. Nothing special but still very different than my little sister. Well, according to photos that she has sent me over email,

Well, at least I get to see Ema again. I wonder how much she has grown, photos doesn't do enough justice.

Leaving the room, I walk to the elevator and go up a level. In there I read over the sheet. Before the door closes, I hear a person get on the elevator.

"I'm so sorry, but do you mind if I ride as well." I hear a soft female voice say. I wave a hand as I continue to read the music sheet. "Thank you." 

We go up a level as I read over the music sheet, it seems simple enough. When the elevator stops, I walk forward and glance at both sides before finding the direction I need to go. Walking down the hallway, I chance a look and see that I am in front of the room. 

"Oh, you know the bride and groom?" Confused I put the sheets down and look at the voice.

Looking them up and down I know who this person is. Before they can say anything else, I take them in a hug. It takes her a second before she squeals and holds me to.

"Rei is that you. I thought you wouldn't be able to make it." She pulls away and I see that she is misty eyed.

Before she could say anything the door opens and we see Dad. We both jump in his arms and we share a laugh. "Now that must be Ema." Father steps out of the way as we see Mother standing there in her dress.

"Congratulations, I mean best wishes. Wait, which one is for the bride?" Ema says rather flustered.

"My don't you two look rather lovely. Didn't I say that they would lovely." Miwa says as she looks at Dad.

"Thank you for the dress Miwa." Ema says as Miwa comes towards her.

"Please after only having boys, it is a pleasant change to shop for a girl. You can just call me Mom, like your sister." Mother says smiling.

Ema glances at me before she says, " Yes Ma'am and Dad why didn't you tell me that Rei was going to be here." Ema says as she pouts at Dad.

Dad laughs as I giggle. "It will take a bit for that to happen Dear and besides you two should head to the chapel. The ceremony will start soon." Dad says.

We turn to walk out before Mother stops me. "I am so sorry to give it to you so last minute but would you mind. Plus I would love to hear you play one more time." Turning around I give her a hug and nod my head.

When I walk out, I see Ema standing there. "So, do you talk now?" She asked with a concern look on her face.

I give her "iffy" hand sign as we head to the main ceremony hall.

"Well, I won't ask if you are uncomfortable. Do you want to go in with me?" She asks as we approach a wide double door.

Shaking my head, I answer, "No, go ahead and I will see you in there. I have to read over this sheet."

She looks at me confused. I said it again and see that I'm speaking in English. Shaking my head, I peck her cheek and push her ahead of me. She looks confused then she just walks forward.

Laughing a little, I find a little bench and read over the score some more. Noticing that this is for a piano, I will safely say that there will be a piano there. A read it over and try to play the piece on an imaginary  piano. In the back ground I can hear people questioning my sanity. Well, freak them.

When I am halfway threw I hear someone yelling for the band. Damn am I also playing the wedding march. Looking up I see my dad running over to me.

"Sorry dear but we need you now." He yanks me off of my feet as I manage to catch all of the sheets on the rush inside. 

We run down the isle and I see a ton of people looking at me with curiosity. I shy away from them and we make it to the front, and he shows me where to sit. Right beside the chair is a cello and he all but basically shoved me into the chair. Now that is when the sheets going flying around me.

"Sorry, but hear it is and play. We have 5 minutes until the ceremony." He quickly leaves me and stands back in front.

Huffing out a breath, I calmly pick up the sheets of music. Placing it properly by the leg of the chair, I stand back up and walk towards the cello. Taking the cello in one hand with the other I grab the bow, I walk back to the chair. Sitting down I properly place everything. Closing my eyes, I inhale slowly and hold my breath.

Opening my eyes I begin to play the Prelude of Suite No. 1 in G Major, slowly releasing my breath. Halfway through I see Father waving towards me, nodding I stop and begin to play Canon in D and watch the Bride make her way to her Groom.

Miwa, is absolutely radiant and glows. I don't know exactly how long they have been together, but you can tell that they love each other. Glancing over at Father, he loves her as well, I have never seen him smile like that before. I'm happy he has finally found someone that's right for him.

Half way through she makes it there and I have no idea where to go. I just awkwardly sit there, it's not like I am dead center but if there eyes shift slightly to the left. . . .  Well, I feel more awkward. Carefully I place the cello on the ground but I drop the bow on the ground. Everyone stops and looks at me, even the preacher.

Instantly my face becomes warm as a cover my face with my cardigan. "Would you like to sit with your sister Remi?" Hearing a feminine voice, I peek out behind my  cardigan and shyly nod my head. Everyone lightly laughs at the situation and not at me, but it is still nerve racking.

I crouch and hide my face with my cardigan as I take a seat right by a man. Not my sister but I am to embarrassed to move right now. Still hiding my face in my cardigan I listen to the words that are being said by the preacher and Mother and Father. It sounds quite nice actually, but I am too embarrassed, I continue to turtle. I felt someone nudging my side but I ignore them and wallow in my uncomfortable situation.

Music is My Voice {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now